Eric Kinsella - Kin
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Police have a setup protection around the Kinsella family homes.

Eamon Cunningham wants to get Michael.

Amanda and Anthony have a quiet meal together before leaving.

Michael gets an MRI. He puts on his bulletproof vest before leaving the hospital. Jimmy picks him up on his motorcycle. 

Amanda drives Anthony to a private boarding school, Glenwoods College, where he will stay, under a different name. Amanda says that she and Jimmy visit when it is safe. 

Michael and Jimmy return home, where Eric, Nikki, Kem, Fudge, Frank, and Dotser are waiting. Kem refers to Michael as 'The Magician' and Michael tells him never to do so again. 

Frank tells Michael and Jimmy they need to talk. Frank stresses to Michael that by capping Caolan he has lost his chance at seeing Anna. Jimmy tries to reassure Michael.

Michael returns to his place and feels a seizure coming on. He lies down. 

Anna and a friend head to a party where they intend to meet some older boys. Anna's friend says everyone is looking forward to meeting Anna since she is part of the infamous Kinsella family. Anna would prefer people didn't know about her parentage. Anna decides not to go. 

Amanda and Anthony get shown around Glenwoods. They hug goodbye and she leaves, crying in the car. She gets a call from Frank, asking for a favor.

Amanda goes to the car dealership and meets with one of their dealers, Jed Delaney. He tells her that he can no longer sell to the Kinsellas, due to pressure and threats from Eamon Cunningham. 

Back at home, Eric insists that they should be able to find a seller if they pay enough, but Frank disagrees. Dotser says they will soon start having to shut down houses at this rate.

Michael wakes from unconsciousness many hours later.

A food delivery man arrives but the police won't let him through. Amanda comes out and pays for her food, giving the cops a portion. 

Amanda, Jimmy, and Michael have dinner together. Amanda asks about Michael's hospital visit, but he doesn't tell her anything. Michael asks about Anthony. Jimmy gets on Amanda's case for sending Anthony away. Amanda insists it's the safest place for him.

Jimmy goes on about the situation, wondering who of their family will be next on Eamon's hit list. Amanda wonders if going after Caolan was a mistake, but Michael puts her right. She resolves to be smarter than Eamon in order to retaliate to his offensive.

Kem and Fudge go to do a collection. Eamon gets a call, saying that his men have them in their sights. Eamon tells them to do it. 

Kem goes inside while Fudge waits in the car. Fudge gets a call from Eric, but is interrupted by a woman trying to buy drugs from him. Fudge hangs up, tells the woman he's not selling and gives her some money. From the other side of the car, Fudge is shot dead. 

Kem hears the shot. The shooter drives off. Kem sees what happened to Fudge and runs off.

On the patio, Nikki tells Eric that Frank should be confiding in him more, rather than Dotser. Eric agrees and asks for a blow job. Nikki is about to comply when the light comes on and Frank asks them to come in. 

Kem is there, with Frank and Birdy. Frank tells Eric that they got Fudge. Eric lays into Kem, asking him where he was. Kem says he was doing the collection, and that he has been doing them for weeks, at Fudge's request. Frank asks for Kem's phone. Frank calls the last number Kem called before calling him, and speaks to Roddy to confirm Kem's story. Frank tells Kem to leave.  

Michael gets a phone call from Anna, drunk and in tears, asking why he killed her mother. Michael explains that it was an accident, that he was high. She asks how he could know it was an accident if he was high. He tells her he loves her, and he would never have done anything deliberately to hurt her. She hangs up, turns off her phone, and breaks down. 

In the morning, Amanda relays the news about Fudge to Jimmy. She tells him he can't go to the funeral. 

Birdy visits Michael. She says she understands why he shot Caolan. She tells him that the family needs him now and he agrees. 

Frank and Jimmy meet with another of their associates, asking for him to set up a meeting with a dealer in Antwerp. He says he'll do it if Frank will cut off contact with him afterward. Frank agrees.

Amanda visits Noel's widow, offering her 30,000 euros. Noel's widow has harsh words for Amanda, about Noel and Jamie, but still takes the money. Amanda asks for the car registry books back that Noel had. Noel's widow shuts the door in Amanda's face but throws the books out the door after her. 

Amanda goes home and has a shower.

Eric watches a video from Fudge's killers. 

Michael goes to pay Jimmy a visit but finds Amanda home. Amanda makes herself a drink, offering Michael one, momentarily forgetting he no longer drinks. Bored, she asks him to stay. 

The sit in silence until Amanda brings up Jamie. She says that he should have said something after he died. Amanda says that Michael must have thought Jamie was his child since Michael had been sleeping with her when she got pregnant. Michael says he always thought of Jamie as Jimmy's boy, but Amanda accuses him of lying, insisting that he is Jamie's biological father.

Jimmy return, saying he was with Frank helping him set up a new supplier, but Frank will have to go to Belgium to meet him. Amanda remarks that Eamon has succeeded in getting Frank away from the safety of Dublin. Michael doesn't think Frank should go.

Jimmy, Birdy, Frank, Amanda, and Eric discuss the danger of Frank going to Antwerp. Amanda suggests robbing Con Doyle, Eamon's seller. Eric agrees, as does Birdy, and Michael. 

Making the plans, Eric says they shouldn't use Dotser, but Frank insists he could trust Dotser with his life. Birdy suggests that this could be used against Frank, and backs up Eric. Nikki listens silently. 

Michael tries on his bulletproof vest but then decides not to wear it. Frank, Michael, Eric, and Jimmy head off. 

Amanda drives to the car dealership. When she arrives, the police are there. Detective Cullen and Detective Breslin question her about a car that was used for the shooting of Caolan's party. She finds it registered to Eric, but lies to the police and deletes the evidence. 



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Kin Season 1 Episode 4 Quotes

Amanda: Jesus Christ, Jimmy. Can we just have a break from all this for one night?
Jimmy: That's the thing. There is no fucking break from this. This is it until it's over.

I've had a shitty day, now I'm gonna have a drink, and make somebody pay.
