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Marshall and Lily's night alone doesn't go as planned as they have trouble being away from Marvin. They make it to Ted's big night, but spend the evening in the corner thinking of their baby boy. After discussing it with Marshall, Ted goes against his friend's advice and tells Robin about Barney's plan to propose to Patrice. Instead of taking Robin as his date to his building's unveiling he leads her to Barney and convinces her to fight for the man she loves. Ted gets his moment in the sun, but it's Barney who really shines as he comes face to face with Robin atop her office building. Barney pulls back the curtain on his master plan to get Robin to marry him.  

How I Met Your Mother
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How I Met Your Mother Season 8 Episode 12 Quotes

Ted: I need to grow up. Oh by the way I'm breaking a jinx swear here so don't tell Barney or he gets to whack me in the nuts three times with a whiffle ball bat.
Marshall: Sure, pretty standard.

Lily: Okay but hurry, or I'm gonna start doing number eleven on my own.
Marshall: You can do that by yourself?
Lily: Pilates bitch!