Someone In the Woods - Home Before Dark
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The morning after the fire, Izzy finds a newspaper article with a picture of her father that someone wrote “Broken” over in red marker.  Ethan tries to comfort her. 


Bridget tries to get Sam Gillis a 48-hour furlough to attend his sister’s funeral but the Secretary of Corrections will only give it to him if he waives his rights to have the prison charged with any abuse or wrong doing. Despite Bridget’s advice not to, Sam gives in and signs the papers.


When her newest article, with the video attached, gets over 20,000 views, Principal Collins pulls Hilde out of class to speak with the mayor, Richie Fife’s father. Mayor Fife wants Hilde to take the video down. She wants him to reopen the investigation. 


Frank tells his father, the Sheriff, that he no longer remembers if he really saw Sam Gillis’ van or if his father told him to see it. In flashbacks, we see then Captain Briggs leading his son to make the conclusion that Sam Gillis abducted Richie. He showed him pictures of Sam’s van and the license plate. 


Briggs tells Frankie that the video could have been doctored and that they “know” that Sam killed Richie.


Mayor Fife asks the Sheriff again about the tape but Briggs denies he ever saw it and tells him it is best for the town to just move on. 


Frank is sent out to investigate the bike fire. He and Matt begin to talk and find a blood trail leading away from the garage. They run into Kim’s father, Roger, and his wolf hybrid, Garabaldi,  who is covered in dried blood. Roger is a conspiracy theorist who thinks Matt probably killed Penny. 


While in the woods they see Sylvester running in his bathrobe. He’s terrified, covered in soot and dog bites. It appears he set the bike on fire. Sylvester says the bike was cursed and he didn’t want Hilde riding it. Sylvester gave Richie the green bike after Richie’s father got mad because he wanted the green one instead of the more expensive red one he’d picked out for his son. 


Sylvester tells Matt to stop digging into this case because the town will run him off again. 


Hilde and her friends head to Sally’s Salvage yard to see if they can find out anything about Sam Gillis’ old van. They see the Sheriff paying Sally to crush it. They can’t stop it from happening, and Izzy has HIlde’s camera, but Hilde sees that the gas cap is on the opposite side from the van in the video. 


The Sheriff catches Hilde in the junkyard and tells her that in Erie Harbor, little girls who cause trouble are taken away from their family. Later, Hilde breaks down in tears not because of the Sheriff’s threats but because she lost the only proof to prove Sam Gillis is innocent. She feels like she can’t help her father or fix their family. 


Everyone comes together to bury Penny’s ashes, including Sam. Penny’s last wish was to be buried in the middle of town so people couldn’t avoid her anymore. She’s buried under a tree and surrounded by stones as per the Yakima tribe tradition. 


Katherine Briggs, the Sheriff’s daughter who has Down syndrome, comes to the Lisko house to talk to Hilde. As a child, she saw her father watching the video and then throwing the tape away. She took it from the trash and gave it to her mother, Anne Marie, who hid it for decades. Anne Marie gave the tape to Penny Gillis before she died of cancer. Hilde prints the interview in The Magic Hour. 


Frank is furious with his father for hiding the tape and destroying the Gillis van. Frank decides to run against his father for Sheriff. 

Home Before Dark
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Home Before Dark Season 1 Episode 5 Quotes

Matt: There’s nothing to worry about.
Izzy: No, yeah. Of course. I mean you got drunk, got into a fist fight, got a concussion, had a public meltdown, and Hilde got her bike set on fire. Everything’s amazing.

Mayor Fife: I don’t like your tone, young lady. You have no idea what you’re getting into.
Hilde: I feel like being called a young lady should be a compliment but it never sounds like it is.