At the Library - Home Before Dark
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The FBI comes to the school looking for Margaret Miller, who happens to be Carol Collins, Kim’s mother. It’s her blood and DNA that’s on the jacket. She claims she cut herself in her kitchen and was still bleeding when she picked up the jacket on the side of the road. 


In 1973, Carol, then Margaret Miller, was arrested for auto theft in Portland, Oregon. When she got out of prison she changed her name and moved away to have a new life. Unfortunately, when she left Oregon she broke her parole. Carol swears she did not kill Richie Fife.


Bridget thinks there could have been two people in the van, one who grabbed Richie and another who drove.


Matt and Hilde decide to track down everything they can find out about Margaret Miller. They go to her old address in Portland. There’s a young woman there who says Margaret gave her and her mother their house. Margaret was her biological father’s (Ezekiel) sister. She never met her father because he left as soon as he found our about the pregnancy. 


Margaret and Ezekiel were inseparable as kids. Ezekiel had a Sinner tattoo. Ezekiel also spent time in prison.


Hilde pushes Matt to tell her why he quit journalism. He admits that the missing girl on Long Island overwhelmed him because he never let go of the Richie Fife case. 


At home, Sylvester has a stroke. He’s rushed to the hospital and will survive.


When Mr. Sipple sees the picture of Ezekiel in The Magic Hour Chronicles, he realizes that Ezekiel is the person who ran him off the road the day Richie was abducted. That is the accident that left him in a wheelchair. 


Kim realizes that her mother planted Richie’s jacket that night to make it seem as though she found it on the side of the road. When she confronts her, Carol wants them both to run away and start over. Kim is horrified. 

Home Before Dark
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Home Before Dark Season 1 Episode 9 Quotes

Hilde: Can I have a bathroom pass?
Mr. Sipple: To the Holmes County Sheriff’s Department? No.

Bridget: Look, I’m going to be real honest, I’m a little out of my depth here. We didn’t have all of this open cruelty when I was growing up. It was more of a behind your back, quiet kind of cruelty. So I’m not exactly sure what the right thing is to say. Girls were mean and shitty to each other but it wasn’t amplified around the world and immortalized until the end of time.
Izzy: What did you do?
Bridget: I ignored them and avoided them and sometimes I just cried quietly in my car like a loser.
Izzy: Mom, what are you doing?
Bridget: I don’t cry in my car anymore, Sweetheart. I am a lawyer. I take screenshots.