Unexpected Photo
Watch Heroes Season 1 Episode 16
Original Air Date:

The episode started off with Ted Sprague and Hana Gitelman meeting out in the Nevada desert. Hana knows what's up. She's figured out at...

Run! Photo
Watch Heroes Season 1 Episode 15
Original Air Date:

Claire's mom blackmails Nathan with her knowledge of their daughter's existence. When our lonely cheerleader demands to meet her real fa...

Distractions Photo
Watch Heroes Season 1 Episode 14
Original Air Date:

Unlike last week's rather uneventful episode, "Distractions" gave Heroes a lot of forward momentum. By the episode's end, Sylar was on t...

The Fix Photo
Watch Heroes Season 1 Episode 13
"The Fix"
Original Air Date:

Peter chases Claude and demands that they be friends, or at least enter into a mentor-typerelationship. Claude tells Peter to go screw h...

Watch Heroes Season 1 Episode 12
Original Air Date:

Two weeks later, Peter is still dreaming of his exploding self in a Manhattan hospital. Niki’s in prison. From the way the guards are t...

Fallout Photo
Watch Heroes Season 1 Episode 11
Original Air Date:

Mr Bennet is keeping Sylar in a power-resistant room in the bowels of the Make-Believe Paper Company. We get confirmation that Sylar is,...

Six Months Ago Photo
Watch Heroes Season 1 Episode 10
"Six Months Ago "
Original Air Date:

Like Hiro, we're headed six months into the past. Even though Eden making portly Officer Parkman eat donuts wasn't very nice, it's inter...

Watch Heroes Season 1 Episode 9
Original Air Date:

In Odessa, Claire and Zach, sit down outdoors on the school grounds of Union Wells high school where they begin to eat lunch. Principal ...

Seven Minutes to Midnight Photo
Watch Heroes Season 1 Episode 8
"Seven Minutes to Midnight"
Original Air Date:

The episode was fairly well distributed among a few of the main characters, but it was definitely Mohinder-centric. He's back in India p...

Nothing to Hide Photo
Watch Heroes Season 1 Episode 7
"Nothing to Hide"
Original Air Date:

Here's a point by point summary of this week's events: Peter dreams about Charles Deveaux just as Simone arrives with news about him. Wh...

Heroes Quotes

Only together can we be the stewards of our own destiny.


You are not faster than me, nemesis.


Heroes Music

  Song Artist
Song Road to Joy Bright Eyes
Song Mustang Sally Wilson Pickett
Song I Want It That Way Backstreet Boys