Hannibal News

Hannibal Review: Tea Cups

Hannibal Review: Tea Cups

On Hannibal, Alana begins fearing the worst for Will after Freddie's Lounds body is discovered. Read our review to find out more!
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Hannibal Review: Becoming

Hannibal Review: Becoming

On Hannibal, Will continues on his path to become like Hannibal. Later, the brother of Margot is introduced. Read our review to find out more about the creepy episode!
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Hannibal Review: Rebirth

Hannibal Review: Rebirth

On Hannibal, Will and Hannibal resume their therapy as the team investigates the case of a woman stuffed inside a horse. Read our review to find out more!
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Hannibal Review: By Design

Hannibal Review: By Design

On Hannibal, Will is let out of prison and resumes his work of trying to catch Hannibal. Meanwhile, Hannibal puts his ultimate plan into motion.
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Hannibal Review: Dominance

Hannibal Review: Dominance

On Hannibal, Jack's suspcions of Hannibal grow deeper as Hannibal and Alana grow closer. Read our review to find out what went down and who makes another appearance!
Posted in: Reviews
Hannibal Review: Brotherhood

Hannibal Review: Brotherhood

On Hannibal, Will begins to take drastic measures after he finds the body of a loved on killed by the Ripper. Read our review of the emotional episode!
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Hannibal Review: Delusion

Hannibal Review: Delusion

On Hannibal, Will begins to unlock memories of his past while Beverly meets an uncertain situation as she digs deeper into Hannibal.
Posted in: Reviews

Hannibal Quotes

Graham: What are you smiling at?
Lecter: Peaking behind the curtain, I'm just curious how the FBI goes about its business when it's not kicking in doors.

Lecter: What are we looking for?
Graham: At this stage, anything really, but mostly anything peculiar.