Murder in G Major Key Art - Hallmark Movies & Mysteries Channel
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.Former orchestra conductor Gethsemane Brown (Mowry-Housley) is treated as royalty as she arrives in Ireland. Renowned composer Eamon McCarthy plays piano in a bar, but no one can see him cause he’s a ghost. He hates being stuck here without his soulmate,

Gethsemane is staying at Eamon’s old home, and his nephew, Billy, picked her up. Billy refers to Orla and Eamon’s tragic death and refuses to believe his uncle hurt her. Gethsemane thinks they sound sweet and is unphased by a possible ghost.

That was until that night when she heard music, and the piano closed unexpectedly and scared her. Inspector O’Reilly finds nothing unusual but understands why it spooked her. They walk to the cliffs, and he tells her the official version of when Orla died.

He also flirts with her awkwardly and puts her more at ease before her first day at work, where she meets her choir students and a math teacher named Griff.

She returns home and finds a delivery man named Seamus lurking. He has the essentials, including alcohol, and is interested in her violin. After he leaves, she plays the piano and feels a presence, and Eamon appears.

She gets scared when she realizes who he is, but he reassures her that he didn’t kill Orla. That doesn’t comfort her, and she runs and ends up at the local pub and hears some gossip.

When she returns, Eamon insists he’s a friendly ghost and needs her help solving Orla’s murder and his own. He’s stuck in limbo with unfinished business.

Gethsemane visits Dr. Elizabeth the next day because she doesn’t want to believe she sees ghosts. She calls them hallucinations instead and gets some sleeping aids.

Eamon overhears her tell the doctor that her dad had visions, so he thinks Gethsemane has special powers too. She reluctantly agrees to help him after class.

They ride her bike to Narrow Creek Bridge and learn that a tree was blocking it, so Eamon had to take the long way around it, adding almost two extra hours on his ride home, meaning the officers couldn’t have stopped him.

She realizes he’s innocent, and someone must have doctored the report. While Inspector O’Reilly insists it’s a cold case, he decides to look at the file, but an older officer hides it, making him look suspicious to Eamon.

Gethsemane tries to find a connection between Declan and Seamus. Eamon says Seamus and Billy met in a juvenile detention center, but he thought they changed their lives around.

He suggests she talk to the owner of Orla’s fansite, Deidre. Deidre doesn’t like Eamon, Billy, or Seamus and gets defensive after a few minutes and tells Gethsemane to leave. Eamon and Gethsemane discuss who looks the most suspicious.

Gethsemane tells Griff her choir has a long way to go. He invites her out to the pub, and Eamon encourages her to go since she'll see more locals.

She observes Billy and Seamus arguing about money and the bartender tells her that Deidre was fired from Orla's site for doing false autographs. Inspector O'Reilly soon arrives and is also happy to see Gethsemane, and the music begins.

Seamus threatens her to stick to music, making Gethsemane think he and Billy were involved while Eamon thinks it's Deidre. The pattern from Deidre's belt matches the strangulation marks on Orla's neck.

When Gethsemane rides into town the next day, she learns the pub was robbed. Declan is watching her. She tries to talk to Deidre again, who finally admits the belt was a gift from Orla and she was going to return.

They hear a noise and sense someone is watching. Later, Deidre calls right before she is attacked to tell Gethsemane that someone else was in the house when she went to return the belt.

Inspector O'Reilly isn't happy to see her but agrees to meet her at the bridge to get her information about the case. After hearing about the belt and that Declan was the officer who pulled Eamon over, he agrees to talk to Declan.

Gethsemane and Eamon return to the house after she teaches school and finds the house ransacked. Nothing was taken from upstairs; without proof, they can't prove it was Seamus.

They find the engagement ring he gave Orla and wonder why it's by the piano.

Inspector O'Reilly questions Declan and learns he was protecting Deidre, his niece, but he never hurt Orla or Deidre. Gethsemane and Eamon inspect Seamus's truck and find blood on splintered hurleys.

He runs out of the school and starts attacking her until Griff stops him. Billy stops by angry that she didn't listen to Seamus and announces they're selling the house and she'll need a new place to live.

Gethsemane's students have improved and want to sing something different, so she encourages Eamon to write something for them. It's called "Orla's Theme."

Inspector O'Reilly overhears Seamus and Billy talking and convinces Seamus to tell him the truth. One of Gethsemane's students learned the song of the mysterious ringtone.

Gethsemane and Eamon find planted evidence at Billy's. Gethsemane doesn't look too surprised to see Dr. Elizabeth walk in. She quickly leaves a message for Inspector O'Reilly and tries to keep the doctor talking.

Dr. Elizabeth was in love with Eamon, but he only cared about Orla, so she wanted her out of the way. Inspector O'Reilly shows up and arrests her, and Eamon and Orla are finally reunited.

The choir won the trophy, and both Inspector O'Reilly and Griff brought Gethsemane flowers.








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Hallmark Movies & Mysteries Channel Season 1 Episode 3 Quotes

If I’d known this would be my permanent ghostly outfit, I might have chosen a different outfit, like a suit or a more comfortable pair of shoes.


Please, I just want to my girl again, and the only way I can is to figure this out.
