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Rating: 4.4 / 5.0 (203 Votes)
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  • Cristina and Owen go to couples therapy and argue over Cristina not wanting a child.
  • Callie works with Meredith and promises to help her study for her boards.
  • Alex’s intern has a heart attack and a premature baby.
  • Jackson and Sloan work on a former patient of Miranda’s. They kick her out of the OR.
  • Amelia visits Seattle to get help from Derrick for Erica. The two come up with a plan to work together and make the call for Erica to come to SGH.
Grey's Anatomy
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Grey's Anatomy Season 8 Episode 15 Quotes

I don't need help, I'm an excellent surgeon. You know it, I know it, everybody knows it.


I have a study buddy but my stupid study buddy is busy trying to save her stupid marriage.
