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Dr. Bailey is coming back from a month long trip visiting her parents with her kid when the woman next to her asks her about the shooting.

Meredith bails Derek out of jail and brings him back to the hospital for his first day back, but Derek doesn't want to be chief anymore and resigns leaving the position back to chief Weber.

Meredith is getting interview by the trauma doctor Perkins and he wont clear her. She goes to visit the Chief, but he won't budge and is firm on what Dr. Perkins advises.

Derek has a brain surgery that is difficult and Meredith isn't sure if he's ready. During surgery Meredith is furious that Cristina is reading a bridal magazine and knows that she may be making a mistake in rushing into the pending marriage.

She confronts Cristina who makes Meredith realize her own problems with not telling Derek about the miscarriage.

Everyone takes turns talking to the PTSD shrink, Dr. Perkins.

Bailey tells Dr. Perkins about what happened after the shooting and how she up and left her boyfirend. Alex talks to Dr. Perkins and tells him about why he walked away from Lexie when she was having her breakdown.

When Dr. Perkins interviews Derek, he reminiceses about after he got shot and April visited him in the hospital apologizing to him. He tells her all if it was his fault. The scene cuts to Derek speeding away with his paper that allows him to do surgery again.

Meredith walks in to Dr. Perkins office and catches him kissing Teddy. She is furious that he's cleared everyone but her and it gets her thinking about her miscarraige that she hasn't told Derek or really anyone about.

Cristina meets with Dr. Perkins and can't be bothered with the meeting. All she wants to do is look at bridal magazines. She tells him that she doesn't want to be her, but someone that's simple. She flashes back to a time when the Shooter held a gun to her head and then to the time that Owen proposes and she said yes.

Ben is waiting outside of the hospital to speak to Miranda. She tells him that she can't be with him now because a part of her wishes he wasn't playing golf and he was just as messed up as she is right now. Ben understands and leaves.

Derek gets caught speeding and is thrown in jail. Meredith doesn't bail it out this time and just gets the ring. She gets to her house and tells Cristina that she approves of their marriage and walks her down the stairs to her awaiting fiance.

Cristina and Owen tie the not and are now husband and wife.

Grey's Anatomy
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Grey's Anatomy Season 7 Episode 1 Quotes

He's fine, we're all coming back to work today (pause - Meredith is thinking about Derek getting shot) - we are all fine.


Every cell in the human body regenerates on average every seven years. Like snakes, in our own way we shed our skin. Biologically we are brand new people. We may look the same, we probably do, the change isn't visible at least in most of us, but we are all changed completely forever.


Grey's Anatomy Season 7 Episode 1 Music

  Song Artist
Song Midnight Hour Reflection Internal: Talib Kweli & Hi-Tek
Teach You To Fly Wiz Khalifa iTunes
Song Backed Into The Corner Amy Stroup iTunes