Ready to watch Gotham online? We make it very easy at TV Fanatic by hooking you up with various ways in which you can get this job done. Watch Gotham online now.

Queen Barbara
Watch Gotham Season 5 Episode 2
Original Air Date:

On Gotham Season 5 Episode 2, Gordon and Bullock investigate a location where several kids have been kidnapped. Barbara proves to be an unlikely ally to Gordon.

Penguin vs. Babs
Watch Gotham Season 5 Episode 1
"Year Zero"
Original Air Date:

On Gotham Season 5 Episode 1, Gordon and Bruce try to keep the city safe as the villains who survived the attack on the city begin to resurface and claim various territories.

Gordon Gets a Warning - Gotham
Watch Gotham Season 4 Episode 22
"No Man's Land"
Original Air Date:

On Gotham Season Episode 22, Gordon is forced to make a potentially devastating decision as he gets a warning about more destruction coming Gotham's way.

Taking the Lead - Gotham
Watch Gotham Season 4 Episode 21
"One Bad Day"
Original Air Date:

On Gotham Season 4 Episode 21, Bruce's psychological limits are tested as those close to him are put in danger, as Gotham falls into complete anarchy.

Bruce's Friend - Gotham
Watch Gotham Season 4 Episode 20
"That Old Corpse"
Original Air Date:

On Gotham Season 4 Episode 20, a friend of Bruce's becomes paranoid resulting in rash and destructive behavior, while chaos erupts at the GCPD.

Barbara's In Danger - Gotham
Watch Gotham Season 4 Episode 19
"To Our Deaths and Beyond"
Original Air Date:

On Gotham Season 4 Episode 19, Barbara is put in danger, while Gordon and Bullock try to find who the clever thief is behind the robberies of various banks.

Inmates Run Free - Gotham
Watch Gotham Season 4 Episode 18
"That's Entertainment"
Original Air Date:

On Gotham Season 4 Episode 18, with the Arkham inmates still running free, Gordon develops a plan, but reluctantly has to turn to Bruce for help.

One Step Ahead - Gotham
Watch Gotham Season 4 Episode 17
"Mandatory Brunch Meeting"
Original Air Date:

On Gotham Season 4 Episode 17, as Jerome zeros in on his next target, Bullock and Gordon try to stay a step ahead, while Nygma hosts a riddle game show.

A Run For Their Money - Gotham
Watch Gotham Season 4 Episode 16
"One of My Three Soups"
Original Air Date:

On Gotham Season 4 Episode 16, Arkham's "finest" give Gordon and Bullock a run for their money, while, Bruce devises his own strategy to thwart their plans.

Relieving Her Guilt - Gotham
Watch Gotham Season 4 Episode 15
"The Sinking Ship The Grand Applause"
Original Air Date:

On Gotham Season 4 Episode 15, Selina asks Bruce for a favor to rid her of her guilt, while Bullock and Gordon try to find the key to Sofia's control in Gotham.

You can quickly and easily watch Gotham online via TV Fanatic. Just select the way in which you want to do so and then sit back and watch over your computer. We make it easy to watch Gotham online very soon after an episode ends, so you can keep up with whatever The Penguin is doing and whatever steps Harvey Bullock and Jim Gordon are taking to bring him down. You don't want to fall behind, do you? So go watch Gotham online and then we'll meet you in the Comments section to discuss all that just went down on this Fox drama.

Gotham Quotes

Hit me and then you kiss me.


Lucius: Who, umm, designed the uniforms?
Ms. Peabody: Do you have much training in mental health, Mr. Fox?
Lucius: None at all.