Awkward Costar Moments - Good Trouble Season 5 Episode 12
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Mariana and Evan have some issues to work out as co-CEOs when the others take note of both of them wanting to take the lead.

Gael sees a series of people interested in renting out the studio, and they're all a quirky bunch until he runs into Jay. He's a hot artist who can pay six weeks in advance.

Alice tries to lead the writer's room when the guys get off track.

Malika gets cornered in the courthouse by the councilman who lied to her. He's condescending and threatening.

Davia meets her new understudy when she's singing the part as practice when Davia arrives to the rehearsal. Davia is instantly insecure about Serena.

Malika wants to stop the councilman Jack from becoming councilman president. She orchestrates a plan with her colleague.

Serena isn't very welcoming.

Davia's co-lead apologizes to her for trying to kiss her.

Davia and her Braeden have issues with the lift during choreography.

Gael has issues trying to get in the right headspace to paint, but his new studio mate doesn't appear to have the same issue.

The BB girls tell Mariana that it doesn't feel like she and Evan are making decisions together, just as an employee reaches out to them and says Evan gave her orders, but Mariana didn't. And Another employee mentions the same to Evan about Mariana helping him.

Gael vents to Davia about Jay while she vents to him about Serena.

Evan asks her what happened between them, and Mariana gives him the highlights of why their relationship was so difficult and why she broke up with him.

Malika and her coworker use a third party to ask all the questions. Malika wants to hold Jack's feet to the fire, but he quickly figures it out when she's standing nearby texting the person on what to ask.

Evan tries to have Mariana moved to the second floor, but she reminds him that it comes across as retaliatory and would be an HR issue, so he stops it.

Alice is basically carrying the team, doing all the writing to impress the network, but the guys still aren't happy.

Lucia calls Malika into her office to confront her about the issue with Jack. Jack is upset and reached out to Lucia as he has activists hounding him.

Lucia reminds her that they can't get things past on the floor if they don't play ball with him.

Jay painted something, but he tells Gael that he's not an artist, he's an ER doctor, but he's renting the space as a place to be in the moment and rest.

Jay tells Gael to be in the present. And that inspiration comes from being in the now.

Gael notices when Jay is packing up that he has a Pride flag pin on his backpack.

Davia and Serena have an honest heart-to-heart about how they're really feeling about each other.

Evan has a dizzy spell while in the office, so Mariana sits on the couch with him. She talks about a better way that they can corun things by divvying up responsibilities.

Jack gives a proposition to Malika that he'll push her women's center through if she stops the antics. He agrees to put it in writing.

Alice's colleagues finally agree to work with her.

Davia is surprised to see that Serena asked Braeden to run the routine with the lift with her.

Gael spray paints another piece inspired by the story Jay told him.

Mariana and Evan leave the office together and he apologizes for when she always had to make excuses for him when they were together. She tells him that she didn't have to because he's a good man.

He suddenly has a memory of him and Mariana in the elevator nearly holding hands, that spark something.



Good Trouble
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Good Trouble Season 5 Episode 13 Quotes

Davia: Hey, do you want to grab lunch together?
Serena: I don't eat lunch.

Tech Guy: So, who should we report to with questions about our projects?
Evan: Me.
Mariana: Both of Us.
Evan: I mean, we, us, both.
Mariana: We will be covering everything together as co-Ceos.