"February 18, 2009"

Sonny assures Claudia that betraying her dad took guts. Johnny hears what his sister did and reminds her that Anthony may be alive. Oli...

"June 2, 2009"

Michael calls Sonny to say he changed his mind and will be going home with his mom and Jax. Spinelli covers when Maxie returns to the of...

"June 4, 2009"

Agent Rayner declares Rebecca was illegally adopted. She tells him Paige asked Monica to take care of Emily. Post barn-sex Rebecca comm...

"July 9, 2009"

Maxie asks Jason to convince Coleman to cancel the karaoke night at Jake's. She is amazed to hear Spinelli singing. Trying to avoid lying about the softwar...

"October 28, 2009"

Joey won't allow Johnny to leave the warehouse. Anthony calls him to report he's being kept safe until Joey takes out Sonny and Jason. Johnny warns him tha...

"July 29, 2009"

Nikolas complains to a sympathetic Elizabeth that Rebecca lived with him for only 24 hours. Spinelli is walking on air as he expects Maxie will accept his ...

"May 18, 2009"

Michael scares Lulu by waking up. She summons Patrick who gives him a quick examination. She introduces himself as the doctor who opera...

"July 21, 2009"

Sonny tells Olivia that he thinks Ric is the father of Claudia's baby. Sonny then forces a kiss. Olivia reacts with passion only to pull back. Sonny again ...

"January 6, 2009"

Ric advises Johnny that he can face assault charges or reconcile with his father. Lulu guesses his father arranged this. Boasting that ...

"November 5, 2009"

Johnny wants Spinelli to tell him where his sister's car. Carly describes how Michael reacted when he hit and killed Claudia. Jax nods and advises her that...

General Hospital Quotes

Claudia: Oh, you're in a foul mood, huh? Looking for trouble?
Sonny: You know, I have not been fair to you. I know I called you a lying whore, and all that. But hey, you know what? At least you don't pretend to be anything else.

Lucky, it's called cleavage, and it's the best weapon we've got.
