A Picture Is Worth - FROM Season 1 Episode 7
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The Colony House prepares for a party as they celebrate her one-year arrival in town.

Ellis struggles with the day and starts drinking heavily.

In town, Khatri waits for Boyd at his place, and Boyd tells him about his plan to go into the woods, while Khatri tells him about the events leading up to his arrival in town. Khatri then tells Boyd about having Sara locked up in the church basement.

Jim works on his plan to build a large antenna on the hill at Colony House, and later, he and Tabith continue digging the hole in the basement and share a tender moment.

Donna gives a speech about Fatima at the party, gifting her a dreamcatcher. As the party continues, Kevin sneaks off to a bathroom, where he talks to a monster named Jasmine. She convinces him to let her in and then promptly kills him before leaving the window open for the monsters to come inside.

Julie asks Fatima if she can kiss her but runs off quickly and finds herself in Victor's room so she can be left alone.

Khatri convinces Boyd to let him and Sara come with him on his journey into the woods.

Jade finds a picture hidden in the book he's been studying and spots a young Victor in the background.

Trudy is killed by Jasmine and other monsters inside the house, and soon all hell breaks loose.

Victor and Julie flee from the house, and Victor leads them into the woods after seeing the boy in white walk that way.

Donna takes as many people as she can into town with the van, while Fatima stays behind and eventually finds Elis, who's escaped out a window and hurt himself. They lock themselves in the foyer with the talisman, which keeps the monsters away.

Victor has Julie get into the faraway tree, and she emerges in a cellar.

Donna gets her people to Boyd's, but as they're herding everyone inside, Khatri's throat is slashed by a monster, and he dies shortly after that.

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FROM Season 1 Episode 7 Quotes

Fatima: It's so beautiful.
Donna: They catch all the bad dreams. And let only the sweet ones reach you.

Julie: Is he okay?
Fatima: Nights like this are just a little tough for him. As much as you celebrate the people who make it, you also remember the ones who didn't.