Doctor Who Spoilers

You know what's really great about Doctor Who? The fact that you almost never know what's coming. Unless you're spoiled of course. And the Doctor Who Spoilers page delivers that news to you. With the exception of mistakes that shouldn't be shared, such as the leaking of six full scripts from Doctor Who Season 8 because really, do you want to be spoiled that badly? It would really blow the whole experience, especially since you were getting a brand spanking new Doctor in the process. Imagine if you had known Eleven was going to show up in the premiere of Twelve's reign. Would that have made you happy? It would have definitely ruined some of the mystery and incrdible emotion that came with the surprise. Other than that, we'll have casting news, photo galleries, the official synopsis of upcoming episodes and even video clips. After all, foreseeing the future would be one of life's greatest gifts. Think of the Doctor Who Spoilers page as the place where we make your dreams come true, but we let you finish the ending the way you'd like. That seems fair, right? Visit the Doctor Who Spoilers page often!

Doctor Who Quotes

You're going to fire me at a planet? That's your plan? You're going to fire me at a planet and expect me to fix it?

Doctor Who

I made you a souffle, but it was too beautiful to live.
