You can watch Doctor Who online via TV Fanatic because we're cool like that. If you want to watch Doctor Who online, check back here often for new episodes.

The Doctor At the Mic - Doctor Who Season 11 Episode 11
Watch Doctor Who Season 11 Episode 11
Original Air Date:

As the new year begins, a terrifying evil from across the centuries of Earth's history is stirring. Will the Doctor and her Companionsbe able to overcome the threat?

The Doctor at the Com - Doctor Who Season 11 Episode 10
Watch Doctor Who Season 11 Episode 10
"The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos"
Original Air Date:

On Doctor Who Season 11 Episode 10, on the planet of Ranskoor Av Kolos, a battlefield, a conflict-scarred survivor, and a deadly reckoning await The Doctor, Ryan, Yaz, and Graham.

Graham Deep in Thought - Doctor Who Season 11 Episode 9
Watch Doctor Who Season 11 Episode 9
"It Takes You Away"
Original Air Date:

On Doctor Who Season 11 Episode 9, The Doctor, Ryan, Graham, and Yaz discover a girl named Hanne hiding in a cottage at the edge of a Norwegian fjord.

Bobbin's for Doctors - Doctor Who Season 11 Episode 8
Watch Doctor Who Season 11 Episode 8
"The Witchfinders"
Original Air Date:

On Doctor Who Season 11 Episode 8, The Doctor, Yaz, Ryan, and Graham become embroiled in a witch trial and the arrival of King James I in 17th Century Lancashire.

Administering the Kerblam - Doctor Who Season 11 Episode 7
Watch Doctor Who Season 11 Episode 7
Original Air Date:

On Doctor Who Season 11 Episode 7, a message leads The Doctor and her Companions to investigate one of the warehouse planets of the galaxy's largest retailer, Kerblam!

Travelers Far Afield - Doctor Who Season 11 Episode 6
Watch Doctor Who Season 11 Episode 6
"Demons of the Punjab"
Original Air Date:

On Doctor Who Season 11 Episode 6, Team T.A.R.D.I.S. finds itself in India, 1947, where Yaz looks for her grandmother's hidden history and The Doctor tries to solve the problem of demons.

So Many Toys - Doctor Who Season 11 Episode 5
Watch Doctor Who Season 11 Episode 5
"The Tsuranga Conundrum"
Original Air Date:

On Doctor Who Season 11 Episode 4, Team T.A.R.D.I.S. find themselves aboard a medic ship with strangers they must team up with in order to survive a visit by a deadly creature.

Spider Specialist - Doctor Who Season 11 Episode 4
Watch Doctor Who Season 11 Episode 4
"Arachnids in the UK"
Original Air Date:

On Doctor Who Season 11 Episode 4, The Doctor & Companions get home only to find something strange is going on with Sheffield's spiders.

Rosa Parks - Doctor Who Season 11 Episode 3
Watch Doctor Who Season 11 Episode 3
Original Air Date:

On Doctor Who Season 11 Episode 3, The Doctor & her friends race to save history when they meet a seamstress named Rosa Parks in 1955 Alabama

From the Inside Out - Doctor Who Season 11 Episode 2
Watch Doctor Who Season 11 Episode 2
"The Ghost Monument"
Original Air Date:

On Doctor Who Season 11 Episode 2, The Doctor and her Companions are dying to solve the mystery of the Desolation before they literally die.

Watch Doctor Who online when you can't make it to the TV set in time. If you're out on a date and discover that he or she loves Doctor Who but you didn't think to record it (heck, you don't even watch) then you can just show off your technical skills by pulling up the series and many, many episodes for you and your date to share when you watch Doctor Who online. You say that sounds silly? Has your electricity ever gone out? That stinks. No DVR for you! What to do? WHAT DO TO?!!!? Simple solution. You walk on over to your computer and pull up TV Fanatic and click watch Doctor Who online. We'll have you covered. We really are that awesome. There is, quite simply, no reason for you to ever miss an episode of Doctor Who, let alone disappoint your romantic paramours, children or friends you meet in the street wearing Doctor Who T-Shirts. Show them you know what you're talking about when you pull up the page. Which Doctor is it? You can catch Eleven or Twelve right here any time. Thirteen? We aren't there yet. But yes. When you watch Doctor Who online via TV Fanatic.

Doctor Who Quotes

You're going to fire me at a planet? That's your plan? You're going to fire me at a planet and expect me to fix it?

Doctor Who

I made you a souffle, but it was too beautiful to live.
