Dexter News

Dexter Review: Brotherly Love

Dexter Review: Brotherly Love

Deb came to a disturbing realization on Dexter this week, while the man positioned as our protagonist's next enemy made his move. So did Travis.
Posted in: Reviews
Dexter Review: The Trail of Travis

Dexter Review: The Trail of Travis

Travis took on new disciples this week on Dexter, while Deb discovered a troubling fact about her superior and Quinn drank more. Read on for a review of "Ricochet Rabbit."
Posted in: Reviews
Can Dexter Get Gellar?

Can Dexter Get Gellar?

Will Dexter finally get Gellar next week? Or, perhaps we ought to ask instead: CAN he even get Gellar?
Posted in: Dexter
Dexter Review: Oh, Brothers

Dexter Review: Oh, Brothers

Deter inched closer to the Doomsday Killer on this week's episode of the Showtime hit. But his relationship with Deb took a major hit in the process.
Posted in: Reviews
Can Dexter Save Its Season?

Can Dexter Save Its Season?

Dexter airs a new episode this Sunday, as previewed here. Can the Showtime hit rebound in time to save a disappointing season?
Posted in: Dexter
Dexter Review: Softcore Cornography

Dexter Review: Softcore Cornography

Dexter visited both Nebraska and his past this week, as the show teased a majorly dark turn by its title character. But it chickened out at the last moment.
Posted in: Reviews
Dexter Review: A Lack of Urgency

Dexter Review: A Lack of Urgency

Dexter wasted the viewers' time on multiple occasions this week, airing another slow episode that failed to increase any feeling or urgency.
Posted in: Reviews
Dexter Review: Gotta Have Faith

Dexter Review: Gotta Have Faith

The latest episode of Dexter made it as clear as possible: there will be a major focus on religion this season. Read on for a rundown of "Once Upon a Time."
Posted in: Reviews

Dexter Quotes

The only real question I have is why in a building full of cops, all supposedly with a keen insight to the human soul, is Doakes the only one who gets the creep from me.

Dexter Morgan

I think this is a friendly message like, "Hey! wanna play?" and yes I wanna play. I really really do.

Dexter Morgan