Thursdays on FX (Hulu Exclusive)
Lily at DEVS Season 1 Episode 7
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Lily wakes up with Jamie.

The DEVS team is scared of what they created when Stewart shows them that the system can predict the future.

Katie and Forest go on living a day that they've watched through the DEVS system. They already know everything that'll happen before it does.

Lyndon is in Katie's car, like she expected. They discuss the multiverse. Lyndon climbs over the railing of a bridge to prove her dedication to the existence of the multiverse. In this universe, she falls to her death.

Lily wants to contradict what Katie and Forest are expecting from her. They believe sometime after midnight she'll be going to DEVS, but her and Jamie plan on staying in his apartment.

Stewart informs Forest that the DEVS system works perfectly and that the DEVS team went against his orders.

Kenton breaks into Lily's apartment and kills Jamie. Kenton tries to strangle Lily but Pete saves her and kills him.

Pete reveals himself to be a Russian spy who's order was to watch Lily. He admires her and chose to save her from Kenton. 

Pete tells Lily her options: go to the CIA, or escape to Hong Kong immediately. He disappears. 

Katie and Forest look into the past while they await Lily's arrival.

Lily arrives at DEVS. Stewart warns her to turn around, but she goes in anyway. 

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DEVS Season 1 Episode 7 Quotes

The box contains us. The box contains everything. And inside the box, is another box.


You know the problem with people who run tech companies? They have too much power.
