Days of Our Lives Season 43

"November 18, 2008"

Nicole urges John to spend time with Brady, pointing out that Marlena would like him better if he did. E. J. asks Brady to keep his dis...

"June 3, 2009"

Mia tells Will she thinks they should stop spending time together. He enlists Maggie's help and she offers Mia a place to stay. After c...

"November 21, 2008"

Nicole shows E. J. the newspaper headlines about Nick's arrest for Trent's murder. E. J.

"November 4, 2008"

Nicole tells the guard that she's in pain and worries that she is losing her baby. The guard doesn't believe her but allows a doctor to ...

"November 7, 2008"

Hope congratulates Bo on being named new police commissioner. After Philip claims she's too much for Nick to "handle," Melanie guesses P...

"November 24, 2008"

As John points his gun at her and her masked attacker, Marlena screams not to shoot. She forces herself away and grabs John's gun &helli...

"December 15, 2008"

Kelly spots Nicole and complains about Brady bothering her. Nicole then blasts Brady but he demands a photo of the man she says impregna...

"December 12, 2008"

Tony complains they did not invite him on the business trip to Argentina. Stefano claims he's doing this to show him he doesn't need him...

"December 10, 2008"

Before Brady can drink the beverage Nicole spiked with cocaine, he gets a call from Marlena and rushes out. When he returns and agrees t...

"December 11, 2008"

Lucas assures Kate that Chloe has had no second thoughts about being a donor for her though he does mention how nervous she was after Dan...

"February 9, 2009"

Abe questions Bo about the shooting. Hope stops by Kayla's hospital room and asks for forgiveness. Kayla assures her that she doesn't b...

"November 6, 2008"

Melanie gets Philip to reveal that he's head of the foundation. Claiming he won't change his mind, Philip demands more tests from Nick. ...

"December 30, 2008"

E. J. shows Stefano the diamond ring he's about to give to Nicole. Stefano hands him a folder containing a pre nuptial agreement. E.

"December 19, 2008"

After overhearing Philip tell Victor that he's quitting, Stephanie accuses Melanie of betraying Philip. Refusing to leave, Melanie warns...

"December 17, 2008"

Chelsea runs into Max who admits he's decided he must get rid of the toy from his childhood because it reminds him of Trent. He gives it...

"November 19, 2008"

As Philip listens in unbeknownst to anyone, Melanie asks Nick if he's going to kill her like he killed her father. She claims she's star...

"December 9, 2008"

Sami warns Rafe that Stefano will find out that he was snooping. Rafe boasts that he can handle Stefano. She then complains that her ch...

"November 13, 2008"

John tells Marlena he hired a PI to find out who killed the mayor so Sami can come home. Brady arrives and Marlena introduces him to Joh...

"November 17, 2008"

Bo is stunned when Ray the cemetery caretaker picks out Nick's photo as the tall man he saw the night Trent was murdered. Hope wonders i...

"December 31, 2008"

Stephanie tells Philip she doesn't think she can go through with the date because she's out of his league. He says he doesn't require th...

"November 5, 2008"

Stefano boasts to Tony that he voted and assures him he had nothing to do with the mayor's death. Tony accuses him of hiring a hit man, ...

"December 2, 2008"

Bo brings Max the box from Trent but Max claims he doesn't want it. Philip stuns Melanie with the news that he wants her to start work t...

"November 25, 2008"

Melanie tries to find a new place to live, and as John reminds her he just saved her life, Marlena tells him she wants nothing to do with...

"November 10, 2008"

Listening again to Nicole's "confession," Bo guesses to Hope that she's telling the truth that she did not kill Trent. The two debate wh...

"November 12, 2008"

As Chelsea suggests they go see Kate, Philip explains that they can't because she's having a bad reaction to the chemotherapy treatment. ...

"November 11, 2008"

Philip and Lucas hear Daniel admit it's a critical time for Kate. Philip wants him to stop her chemo but the doctor says it's Kate's dec...

"December 3, 2008"

Meeting John, Charlotte explains that her father Kenneth just passed away but that they kept the service private. John takes a moment to...

"December 8, 2008"

After Brady spots a vial of drugs in the park, John finds him and assumes the drugs are his. Brady crushes the bottle with his shoe. Br...

"October 30, 2008"

Hilda lays down some rules for Sami, vowinh not to take her eyes off her. When trick-or-treaters come to the door, Hilda greets them - b...

"October 29, 2008"

Hope advises Melanie that Trent's lawyer told them the letter is actually for her and Bo, who reads it but won't reveal to Melanie what w...

"October 28, 2008"

Lexie changes her mind and tells Abe she doesn't want to do the magazine photo now. As they start to argue, Theo walks away. Chastised ...

"October 27, 2008"

Melanie considers burning the note but Nick stops her, insisting he'll come up with a way to help. Chelsea finds them together and warns...

"October 24, 2008"

Bo blasts Max, but Stephanie interrupts and tells Bo that she'll be glad to sign a statement about Melanie - who asks Philip not to say a...

"October 23, 2008"

Stephanie complains to Philip that Max ended things with her. Philip assures her that she did the right thing and Max will forgive her. ...

"October 22, 2008"

Philip catches Daniel as he emerges from the Kiriakis pool and punches him for "fooling around" with his mother. Daniel claims it's none...

"October 21, 2008"

Max admits he told Stephanie about her confrontation at the cemetery. She leaks to Bo and Hope that Melanie argued with Trent. She adds...

"October 20, 2008"

Sami sees the person who killed the mayor and panics. Telling E. J. and Nicole what she saw, Sami calls Roman for help. Nicole doesn't...

"October 17, 2008"

Max informs Caroline that she is no longer a suspect in Trent's murder. When Melanie arrives, Stephanie challenges her to tell the truth. Max finally accuses her of planting the walle...

"October 16, 2008"

Lucas announces to Sami that he's leaving. Nicole is pleased when E. J. invites her to a favorite Chicago restaurant. As she gets read...

"October 15, 2008"

Evan shows Abe the site featuring gossip re: his and Lexie's marriage. Abe decides he is not going to run a negative campaign. Lexie con...

"October 14, 2008"

As Abe prepares to make his candidacy announcement, Lexie fires Lacey. She seeks revenge and calls the mayor and offers him some juicy g...

"October 10, 2008"

Lexie worries that someone took her son. Lacey the babysitter explains that she turned away for only a few seconds. Lexie starts blasti...

"October 9, 2008"

Stephanie and Max are relieved to hear the D. A. has dropped the charges. Max talks with Bo about Caroline's innocence. Melanie slips ...

"October 8, 2008"

Stephanie tells Max that Caroline has been released from jail. Lucas assures Sami he didn't tell E. J. that she's carrying his baby. I...

"October 7, 2008"

Sami hasn't told E. J. she is pregnant with his child. Lucas covers as he congratulates his rival. He denies knowing what Sami wants t...

"October 6, 2008"

E. J. 's upset to learn Sami never came home last night. Kayla asks Marlena why she's divorcing John. Marlena claims she must move on w...

"October 3, 2008"

Sami opts to pick a fight with E. J. instead after learning he was having dinner with Nicole. She then calls Lucas who takes her to his...

"September 30, 2008"

Chelsea and Hope meet at the Pub and Hope dishes on Trent's murder. Chelsea guesses that Melanie killed her father but Hope claims there...

"September 29, 2008"

Bo and Hope stare in disbelief as Caroline stands over Trent's body. Hope urges her not to say anything until she has an attorney. Aski...

"September 26, 2008"

Bo stuns Hope and goes for commissioner's job. The two later celebrate with Steve and Kayla at the Chez Rouge. There, they run into the...

"September 25, 2008"

Chelsea updates Nick on Daniel and Kate and what she saw. She guesses that they are still involved and will never forgive them. Nick ur...

"September 24, 2008"

Stefano confides to Rolf of his plan to use John to destroy Marlena. Hope wonders if she can handle all the responsibilities. Bo and Ro...

"September 23, 2008"

Abe tries to convince Roman to take over as police chief but Roman doesn't want the responsibility. Abe then turns to Bo to consider the...

"September 22, 2008"

Lexie blames Stefano and reveals how everything has affected her job and boasts that she resigned earlier today as Chief of Staff. Lexie...

"September 19, 2008"

Lexie is told that they are questioning her role as Chief of Staff. Daniel assures her he will give them a glowing report about her work. Lexie worries about Eleanor, one particular board member who may be out to fire he...

"September 18, 2008"

Lexie is told that they are questioning her role as Chief of Staff. Daniel assures he will give them a glowing report about her work the...

"September 16, 2008"

Sami defends going to the cabin to make sure that Allie was safe. Roman insists that she obey the court order regarding custody. Marlen...

"September 15, 2008"

Nicole sits inside with a depressed Philip. He gets her to admit that she's upset about seeing the security camera video of E. J. She t...

"September 12, 2008"

Abe voices his concern to Bo and Hope that Stefano is back controlling the system and there seems to be nothing they can do about it. Le...

"September 11, 2008"

John tries to convince Marlena not to go out with Trent. Later, John orders Trent to meet him at the Pub. An anxious Trent demands that...

"September 9, 2008"

Morgan meets Kate's assistant Chris about the job but is hesitant when she discovers that her boss will be Kate. Unaware of who Chris is...

"September 5, 2008"

Lucas decides he needs time away from Salem. He asks Chloe to join him and she happily accepts the offer. Kate shows up and, in between...

"September 4, 2008"

Abe and Lexie spend time playing with Theo at the park and when his wife becomes frustrated in her inability to communicate with their so...

"September 3, 2008"

Daniel's impressed when Chelsea has some success working with Theo. After Daniel confesses he is ready to continue with the r...

"September 2, 2008"

Max confides to Stephanie that he's curious about his sister and would like Melanie to come back to Salem. Stephanie is suspicious but a...

"August 29, 2008"

On Friday's …Tony and Anna move into the DiMera mansion as Tony explains to her that he wants to work with E. J. to wrestle cont...

"August 28, 2008"

On today's , Melanie gets her friend Tiffany on the phone and asks her to tell the police that her bracelet was not stolen after all so ...

"August 27, 2008"

Weds. , July 27Today on …At the Pub Bo and Hope discuss how they're going to find out the truth about Philip's threats to Paul. ...

"August 26, 2008"

Tuesday, July 26 Today on …In Marseilles, Melanie tells Max and Stephanie that she can't help them get out of jail because she's ...

"August 25, 2008"

Today on :While a jailed Max complains to Stephanie about being under arrest, she flirts with the guard who gives her her cellphone. Un...

"August 22, 2008"

As gets underway, Roman questions Steve and Kayla about their baby. The parents are relieved to hear that the baby checked out fine. A...

"August 21, 2008"

RecapThursday, August 21Today on :Lucas wakes and quickly checks on Chloe as she opens her eyes. As they start talking about Stefano, h...

"August 20, 2008"

Today on …After John gets the ventilation system working again at the hospital, he hears Stefano's voice warning him that he's to...

"August 19, 2008"

Today on , in her fantasy, Nicole continues to smother Sami with a pillow until she lets up. Sami then starts to strangle her only to b...

"August 18, 2008"

Today on …Nicole searches the DiMera mansion for Rolf in hopes that he can unlock the hospital's seventh floor to get Sami away f...

"August 14, 2008"

8/14/08Today on …As Roman barks orders to his men outside the hospital, Philip guesses to him that this is more than a security p...

"August 13, 2008"

Today on …A nurse advises Chloe and Lucas that the entire 7th floor of the hospital is locked down. Lucas spots gas seeping in t...

"August 12, 2008"

Today on …Stefano boasts to Anna and Tony that he had to deal with Marlena and then he badmouths Anna which upsets Tony. John in...

"August 11, 2008"

Today on , Anna warns John that Stefano is awake. John assures her that Stefano won't harm her and then runs off. Tony doesn't believe...

"August 8, 2008"

- 8/8/08 At the church Brad the reporter claims that Bo tampered with evidence. As John secretly peeks into the church, Brad pulls out ...

"August 7, 2008"

Today on …Lexie calls E. J. and Tony in and demands to know what's going on with Stefano. Both men urge her not to do anything ...

"August 6, 2008"

Today on …Chelsea helps Bo get ready to surprise Hope and assures him everything will be fine. Hope arrives and finds Maggie, Ju...

"August 5, 2008"

Official RecapMelanie refuses to believe that Max is her brother so he shows her the cellphone photo Trent had as proof. Stephanie inte...

"August 4, 2008"

Today on :Morgan greets Philip with a passionate kiss and thanks him for saving her life. He boasts that he would do it again too. Mor...

"August 1, 2008"

Lucas assures a caring Chloe that she's not responsible for the beating he took in prison. Maggie arrives in time to hear Chloe promise...

"July 31, 2008"

At the Java Trent asks Nick again about his friend Max and finally reveals that Max is his son. He asks him not to tell anyone though. ...

"July 29, 2008"

July 29 RecapOn today's :Stephanie's jealous when she spots a woman approach Max inside a bar and kiss him. Max explains to Stephanie t...

"July 28, 2008"

Official RecapToday on …Daniel's upset when he finds Chelsea in Victor's hospital room. She admits she's worried about her fathe...

"July 24, 2008"

, 7/24/08Today on …Showing off his new apartment to Chelsea, Daniel starts kissing her. He admits that she's the main reason he'...

"July 22, 2008"

Today on …Chelsea gushes to Daniel about her work with the kids at the hospital and assures him that while she can't have childre...

"July 21, 2008"

Lucas is surprised when Chloe stops by the station house to say goodbye before he goes back to prison. She claims this is her fault but...

"July 17, 2008"

Thurs. , Today on : After receiving a text message from Max, Stephanie makes a reservation for a flight to France. She stuns Caroline w...

"July 16, 2008"

Today on …Thorne makes a rude remark in front of Marcus and Eric when Marcus assures his boss that he has already planned for the...

"July 15, 2008"

Today on , Philip accompanies Morgan to retrieve the package her father sent her. She worries that she's not going to like what she fin...

"July 14, 2008"

Mon. , Today on …Nicole overhears Chloe talking on the phone to Nancy about having sex with Lucas in the elevator and calls her a...

"July 11, 2008"

Today on , Max calls for help while Caroline pleads with him to wake up. Once the EMTs arrive, Caroline decides to follow them to the h...

"July 10, 2008"

Recap: Today on , Bo and Hope question Lucas about why he left the mansion but he won't admit why he was at the Salem Inn. Morgan watch...

"July 9, 2008"

- 7. 9. 09On today's :E. J. tries to talk with Nicole about their moment in the stalled elevator car but she claims it was just sex and...

"July 8, 2008"

Tuesday, July 8 Today on …Hearing a girl's voice on the other end of the phone, Max says "hello" and she asks who he is. When he...

"July 7, 2008"

July 7 Today on , Hope is forced to hold Bo back when they come home and find Daniel and Chelsea making out in the dark. Caroline, Vict...

"July 2, 2008"

: Recap Today on : At the party at the mansion, Lucas overhears E. J. leaving a message for Sami about how happy she has made him. Ups...

"July 1, 2008"

Recap Today on … E. J. boasts to Lucas that he'll be with Sami at today's holiday Horton/Brady barbecue but Lucas claims he wasn...

"June 30, 2008"

Today on , Robbins approaches Max at the shuttered Pub and claims he wants to make amends. He asks Max why he gave up driving race cars...

"June 27, 2008"

Friday, June 27 Today on … While Tony takes Anna out for dinner, Victor meets Philip at the bar and worries about a missing Paul. Philip assures him that he has things under control...

"June 26, 2008"

Today on … Steve warns Max that telling everyone what Robbins did will be a mistake. He suggests he find out all he can about th...

"June 25, 2008"

Today on , Bo brings Hope to the Chez Rouge for his surprise for her. Their moment is spoiled when Daniel interrupts. Bo asks if he ha...

"June 23, 2008"

Today on , E. J. bursts in and claims John told him he could stay. After Lucas exits, E. J.

"June 20, 2008"

Today, on … Working out at the gym with Morgan, Chelsea admits she has a date with Daniel tonight. Morgan is shocked when Chelse...

"June 19, 2008"

Thurs. , June 19 Today on , Robbins confirms that he is Max's father. He claims he came to Salem when Max was a child and learned that ...

"June 17, 2008"

On today's episode of , Bo advises John that they found no evidence of Philip's connection to the drugs at the docks. John vows to find...

"June 16, 2008"

June 16 Recap Today on … Kayla tells Steve about the problem between Nick and Max. She points out it seems like Max is living a ...

"June 13, 2008"

(Recap) Today on : Stephanie confronts Max and demands to know what's wrong. When he won't talk, she decides to kiss him and the two en...

"June 12, 2008"

Today on , Max insists he only "cleaned up" Nick's research work but Nick won't allow Max to manipulate him. After some private talk, R...

"June 11, 2008"

- Recap Today on … Chelsea gives Daniel a hard time when he admits he doesn't know what's wrong with Kate. Later, Kate's happy t...

"June 10, 2008"

Recap Today on , Philip finds Chloe with her bags packed, leaving Victor's mansion but can't convince her to stay. He does agree to mee...

"June 9, 2008"

Today on … E. J. is tempted by a flirtatious Nicole but then backs off and claims they can't do this. He points out that if Vic...

"June 6, 2008"

Today on , E. J. takes the phone from her and stops Nicole from telling Lucas that Sami's annulment is valid. He asks what he can do t...

"June 5, 2008"

, 6. 5. 08 Today on , Nicole bursts into the mansion and announces to E. J. that she needs her divorce finalized because she needs the ...

"June 4, 2008"

Recap Today on … At the Pub Max reacts when he arrives for his shift and finds Nick working with Professor Robbins. Max who blow...

"June 3, 2008"

, 6. 3. 08 Today on , hearing Lucas calling Mickey about finding a new place to stay, Sami asks him to reconsider and forgive her for sl...

"June 2, 2008"

, 6. 2. 08 Today on … Chloe starts to leave Philip's room at the mansion but he reminds her she's divorced now and should be in t...

"May 28, 2008"

, 5/28 Today on … Stephanie wheels Kayla to see the baby and Steve explains that he has a car waiting to take her home. Kayla cl...

"May 27, 2008"

Today on , Chloe apologizes to Philip for her jealous outburst earlier and announces that she's leaving Salem and won't be coming back. ...

"May 26, 2008"

Monday, Today on , Roman warns John that they discovered drugs in his containers down at the waterfront. John guesses Philip is behind ...

"May 23, 2008"

, 5. 23 Today on , Lexie opens up to Daniel about the problems with Theo and her fear of telling Abe the truth that there is nothing wro...

"May 22, 2008"

, 5/22 Today on , Sami insists to Lucas that this is the first time she's had sex with E. J. since Lucas was sent to prison. As they a...

"May 21, 2008"

May 21 Today on … When Tony and Kate return from the TV shoot, Roman guesses it will never air because of Martino. He pulls Kate...

"May 20, 2008"

, 5. 20 Today on , Lexie worries to Abe about their son Theo and agrees to go to marriage counseling with him tomorrow. Nick asks Steph...

"May 19, 2008"

, 5. 19 Today on , Mickey meets Lucas in prison and asks if he wants to get out. He explains the overcrowding situation, the fact that ...

"May 16, 2008"

, 5/16 Today on , Victor's not happy to find Chloe still at the mansion but she insists she belongs here. Victor points out that Brady ...

"May 15, 2008"

, Today on , Steve finds Kayla in pain at the house and accompanies her to the hospital. Max apologizes to Stephanie for lying to her a...

"May 14, 2008"

, 5/14/08 Today on … Chelsea approaches Kate for advice about how to convince a man that she's in love with him. When Kate guess...

"May 13, 2008"

, 5. 13. 08 Today on , Kayla explains to Hope Steve's fear that Vitali is going to use her to seek revenge against Steve. After Angelo ...

"May 9, 2008"

, 5. 9 Today on : As John searches for the missing disc, Marlena wonders if Rolf might know why someone would want it. Rolf denies that...

"May 8, 2008"

, 5. 8. 08 On today's , Sami presses E. J. to admit that he was meeting with Nicole but he avoids answering.

"May 7, 2008"

, 5/7 Today on … Daniel resents it when he arrives at the Pub and complains to Martino about being forced to cancel his travel pl...

"May 6, 2008"

Recap Today on , John wonders why Sami doesn't just let E. J. be deported. When she claims that it's because she wants her son to be w...

"May 5, 2008"

, 5. 5. 08 Today on , Kate stops by to see Chelsea who wonders why Daniel's no longer on her case. After giving Nick the cold shoulder,...

"May 2, 2008"

, 5. 2. 08 Today on , when Anna arrives at the studio, she and Kate quickly start bickering. Hearing her read the script aloud, Barney ...

"May 1, 2008"

Kate finds Daniel drinking at the Pub and wonders why he's not with Chelsea. He tells her that he's off the case and though he won't sa...

"April 30, 2008"

, 4. 30. 08 Today on … Kate finds Daniel drinking at the Pub and wonders why he's not with Chelsea. He tells her that he's off t...

"April 29, 2008"

, 4. 29. 08 Today on … While at the Pub with E. J. , Sami sees Marlena arrive with John and tells her about Nicole's claim that V...

"April 28, 2008"

, 4. 28. 08 Today on … Chloe demands proof from Nicole that Victor has always known where Brady is. Nicole explains that she saw...

"April 25, 2008"

, 4/25 Today on … Chloe complains to Philip that Victor kicked her out of the mansion. He promises he'll talk to Victor so she'l...

"April 24, 2008"

, 4. 24. 08 Today on … Steve wakes up and finds he's in bed with Ava. She assures him that nothing happened and that Hope is get...

"April 23, 2008"

Today on … Kayla demands to see Ava. When she arrives, Kayla notices the pill she took and asks what it was. Ava shows her the ...

"April 22, 2008"

, 4. 22. 08 Today on … John confronts Paul about Victor or Philip bribing him. Paul admits that they both pleaded with him to le...

"April 21, 2008"

, 4. 21. 08 Today on … As Ava hits Steve and cries, he apologizes to her while Bo whispers to Steve that it's time they get out o...

"April 18, 2008"

, 4/18/08 Today on … Kayla presses Ava for the reason behind her vendetta so Ava starts talking. Steve confirms that he told her...

"April 17, 2008"

, 4. 17. 08 Today on … Ava shoots, Hope falls to the floor, Steve grabs a gun and aims at Ava as Bo attacks her. As they tie up ...

"April 16, 2008"

, 4/16 Today on … After Angelo brings Hope to Steve, he warns Ava that there may be an intruder in their compound and fears that ...

"April 15, 2008"

, 4. 15. 08 Today on … Hope has a nightmare in which Ava tries to kill Bo. Steve remembers his past with Ava and tells Angelo th...

"April 14, 2008"

, 4/14/08 Today on … While Bo pushes Lexie to officially release him from the hospital, Kayla seeks the same from Daniel who give...

"April 11, 2008"

, 4. 11. 08 Today on , Anna finds Tony at the Chez Rouge with Kate. He explains that he's having a business meeting with Kate but she d...

"April 10, 2008"

4/10/08 Today on , Max claims he's too busy to chat with her at work and Stephanie complains to Caroline that he's shut her out of his l...

"April 9, 2008"

, 4. 9. 08 Today on , Nick watches as Chelsea has coffee with Daniel who invites her to show him around Salem. She quickly accepts. Ni...

"April 8, 2008"

, 4. 8. 08 Today on , as Kayla fumes because Steve hung up on her, Stephanie tries to reassure her that Steve would never be involved wi...

"April 7, 2008"

, 4. 7. 08 Today on , Tony notices immediately that there is a lot on Morgan's mind, so he asks her to talk about it. Morgan spills her...

"April 4, 2008"

, 4. 4. 08 Today on , Victor's breakfast is ruined when Nicole and then Chloe join him. After he leaves, the two women argue about Brad...

"April 3, 2008"

Recap, Today on , embarrassed to find Nicole has arrived, Victor encourages her to leave. Instead, she asks Chloe where Brady is. Kate...

"April 2, 2008"

, 4/2 Today on , Rolf informs John about another Kiriakis shipment that has arrived at the pier. John boasts that this is another shipm...

"April 1, 2008"

, 4. 1. 08 Today on , EJ tells the immigration agent he was offered a job at Mickey Horton's law firm and is now gainfully employed. Th...

"March 31, 2008"

Today on , EJ comes from a meeting with an immigration agent and tells Sami they must prove their marriage is not a sham and they really...

"March 28, 2008"

Official Recap Today on , Hope asks Ava what her father will say when he finds out what she's trying to do. Ava insists her father will...

"March 27, 2008"

, 3/27/08 Today on , Chloe panics when she sees Daniel's reaction to her latest medical chart readings. He warns that they must move he...

"March 26, 2008"

Recap Today on , Morgan and Stephanie bring Chelsea presents to cheer her up in the hospital. Philip runs into Morgan and Stephanie and...

"March 25, 2008"

, 3/25/08 Today on , Kate gives Daniel a hard time and asks when her granddaughter can be released. As Chelsea asks her to lighten up o...

"March 24, 2008"

Official Recap Finding Kayla in Bo's room, Hope chats with her about Shawn and Belle's decision to sail around the world. When Bo has t...

"March 21, 2008"

Today on , John finalizes the deal with the customs guy to hold up all shipments from the Kiriakis business. Belle, Shawn and Claire ar...

"March 20, 2008"

Today on , Chelsea wakes after her surgery. Daniel arrives and claims that he's pleased with how everything went. Sending Kate out, Da...

"March 19, 2008"

, 3. 19. 08 As they wait outside Bo's room, Shawn tells everyone that he gave Bo a reason to fight to live by revealing his and Belle's ...

"March 18, 2008"

Official Recap 3. 18. 08 Part One: Recap Daniel advises Hope that if Chelsea's not ready for the procedure soon, Bo could die. Sending ...

"March 17, 2008"

Today on , Marlena (Deidre Hall) asks to meet Philip (Jay Kenneth Johnson) to talk about John. Elsewhere at the pier, John (Drake Hogest...

"March 14, 2008"

Friday, March 14 2008 Recap Kayla, Lexie and Daniel tell Shawn they have found a donor match and are preparing for surgery. They need h...

"March 13, 2008"

, 3/13/08 Today on , Ava argues with her bodyguard about whether the woman in the picture with Steve is really his wife. She insists Ho...

"March 12, 2008"

, 3. 12. 08 Lexie, Daniel and Kayla are busy analyzing the donor samples to find a match for Bo. Lexie's angry with Daniel for not sugg...

"March 11, 2008"

Bo's barely hanging on. Everyone has been called to the hospital to say their goodbyes. Daniel doesn't want to perform the experimenta...

"March 10, 2008"

Part I Bo warns Hope that he feels his time is getting shorter. She urges him not to give up but he senses something is wrong and not g...

"March 7, 2008"

March 7, '08 Chloe's upset and complains to Philip when she spots Belle leaving the Pub with Shawn. The topic quickly turns to Brady an...

"March 6, 2008"

On today's , E. J. tells Sami that he thinks he's figured out a way to beat immigration and stay in this country. Leonard Burke from t...

"March 5, 2008"

PART ONE: Morgan and Stephanie (Shelley Hennig) offer their support to Chelsea (Rachel Melvin) as she worries about her father's health. The three then realize they've all going after the same internship at an ad agency and get phone calls requesting an interview time...

"March 4, 2008"

Part ONE Bringing her the annulment papers, E. J. tells Sami that all she has to do is sign them. She starts reading them, vowing not ...

"March 3, 2008"

Hearing Chloe on the phone later speaking German, Philip hides a recorder to tape her and then his interpreter explains that Chloe told ...

"February 29, 2008"

Today on , Marlena watches in disgust as John goes through Stefano's finances. EJ, Sami, Tony and Anna arrive for a meeting with Stefano...

"February 28, 2008"

, 2/28/08 After the funeral, everyone returns to the Pub for an old fashioned Irish wake. When E. J. complains to Sami that he feels o...

"February 27, 2008"

, 2-27-08 : Part One Before the others arrive for the funeral service, Roman and Marlena get a chance to talk about the elder Shawn. Jo...

"February 26, 2008"

recap, 2-26, pt. 1 Steve argues with Kayla about resting for the sake of her baby. Stephanie catches him leaving and accuses him of hi...

"February 25, 2008"

PART ONE: Today on , at the hospital Roman questions Bo about the crash. The two reminisce about the elder Shawn. Belle and Shawn arriv...

"February 22, 2008"

PART I Marlena (Deidre Hall) disgusted to walk around the DiMera mansion with John (Drake Hogestyn) who wonders how much the place might...

"February 21, 2008"

PART ONE Sami and E. J. join Caroline as she waits at the hospital for the arrival of the plane crash survivors. Shawn, Belle and Clair...

"February 20, 2008"

Official Recap, 2-20-08 Kayla fears that she may lose her baby, but keeps it to herself. Shawn and Belle have made love. They discuss ...

"February 19, 2008"

recap, Part I Abe advises Stephanie (Shelley Hennig) and the others that the plane is missing from the radar and they're not sure where ...

"February 18, 2008"

recap Monday, John wakes in the cockpit after the plane crashes and discovers Steve is unconscious. Shawn and Belle wake and Belle asks...

"February 15, 2008"

PART I: Today on , Abe warns Roman that they haven't heard from the pilot of the jet bringing Marlena and the others home from Ireland. ...

"February 14, 2008"

PART ONE: John advises his fellow passengers that their fuel will run out in two hours. He asks them to put on their oxygen masks to ins...

"February 13, 2008"

PART I: Today on , after Steve gets word from John that they cannot dump any fuel from the troubled jet, he informs Bo and the others tha...

"February 12, 2008"

PART ONE: Today on , Philip tries to calm worried Chloe. Marlena sends John to see the pilot about what happened. The plane starts shak...

"February 11, 2008"

Today on , Sami (Alison Sweeney) arrives in the visitation room to find Lucas (Bryan Dattilo), who announces that he's been given a sente...

"February 8, 2008"

PART ONE Today on , Chelsea welcomes Max to a birthday party / picnic for him and joins Nick and Stephanie in a snowball fight. After Ni...

"February 7, 2008"

Today, on , Kayla suggests they fly Colleen to Salem for treatment but Colleen explains that she's had cancer for years and that she kidn...

"February 6, 2008"

Today on , after Chloe turns down a job offer, Philip asks her if she can prove that she had nothing to do with Brady's disappearance. C...

"February 5, 2008"

PART I: Today on , Roman (Josh Taylor) reports to Victor, Chelsea and the others that the autopsy report shows that Ford died from fallin...

"February 4, 2008"

PART ONE: Thanks to a call from E. J. (James Scott), Lexie stops by the safe house to examine Allie. After telling him how to treat All...

"February 1, 2008"

Today on , Sami is embarrassed when E. J. arrives at the safe house and catches her on the phone with Lucas. After she hangs up, Lucas ...

"January 31, 2008"

Today on , Lexie advises Roman that her tests show no sign Stefano had a stroke. Anna gives Tony a hard time when he approaches her at t...

"January 30, 2008"

PART ONE: At the station Billie meets with the sorority sisters and lectures them about lying to her. Chelsea (Rachel Melvin) and Stepha...

"January 29, 2008"

Today on , Tony and Anna stop by the Pub after returning from their lengthy trip abroad. She's disappointed when he tells her that he's ...

"January 28, 2008"

PART I: At the Pub Chelsea (Rachel Melvin) describes in detail for Crawford how Ford was killed. Stephanie tells her friend she shouldn'...

"January 25, 2008"

As opens, Marlena stops by the station and asks Roman if she can see Stefano. Surprisingly, he lets her in after she hints that she inte...

"January 24, 2008"

PART ONE Marlena advises John that Dr. Carrington wants to move him to a more secure place and offers not to sign the permission slip as...

"January 23, 2008"

PART ONE Billie pushes Nick to tell her what happened at the sorority but he won't talk. She warns him he's causing more trouble for Che...

"January 22, 2008"

: Part One Crystal hides out in a hotel room with Claire. Philip tells Belle (Martha Madison) about Claire. Locked up, Lucas asks Stefa...

"January 21, 2008"

E. J. (James Scott) tells Sami that they've got to leave town to be safe and can't return until Stefano's locked up for good. Sami refu...

"January 11, 2008"

Shawn (Brandon Beemer) is playing with Claire while Chloe (Nadia Bjorlin) takes pictures. Caroline (Peggy McCay) offers to take a shot o...

"January 10, 2008"

Bo and Hope stake out Crystal's store, hoping to find out more about the mysterious psychic. Bo confronts Crystal and takes her to the s...

"January 9, 2008"

Another Days of our Lives begins as Stephanie (Shelley Hennig) is having a nightmare. She was dreaming about Ford raping her. Max (Dari...

"January 8, 2008"

PART I: Marlena demands Roman and Abe arrest Stefano and vows to deal with him herself if they don't act now. Belle and Sami try to calm...

"January 7, 2008"

At the sorority, Chelsea (Rachel Melvin) is expecting Nick (Blake Berris), so she asks Stephanie (Shelley Hennig) to make herself scarce. Stephanie sniffs out that Chelsea is planning to tell Nick all about Ford Decker's body so she tries to convince her not to...

"January 4, 2008"

As resumes, Philip listens as Belle describes for Marlena the encounter with the woman who wanted her and Claire to leave with her. Bell...

"January 3, 2008"

Days of our Lives begins as Belle (Martha Madison) still looks completely depressed. Marlena (Deidre Hall) tells her that true love mean...

"January 2, 2008"

PART ONE: Belle confesses that she slept with Philip. When she admits that it happened before the wedding, Shawn points out that all she...

Days of Our Lives
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