Daredevil News

These TV Shows Ended Too Soon

These TV Shows Ended Too Soon

These TV shows did not get the time to craft a proper conclusion, and for that, we got a rush job or no closure at all. Check out the list, TV Fanatics.
Posted in: Timeless
33 of TV's Goriest Moments

33 of TV's Goriest Moments

There's no shortage of horror on television. But there are some scenes that are so gory, we can barely watch. Here are 33 that might turn your stomach inside out.
Posted in: Preacher
23 Best Streaming Shows of 2018

23 Best Streaming Shows of 2018

What's worth binge-watching this weekend? Which shows are worth your precious TV viewing hours? We've got the 21 best streaming shows that aired in 2018.
Posted in: Multi-Show

Daredevil Details

Number of Episodes
Start Date

Daredevil Quotes

Karen: Can I ask a personal question?
Matt: I haven't always been blind.
Karen: I guess that's what everyone wants to know.
Matt: That or, "How do you comb your hair?"

I'm not seeking penance for what I've done, Father. I'm asking for forgiveness... for what I'm about to do.
