Community News

Community Review: Non-Reality Check

Community Review: Non-Reality Check

Community got a bit serious this week... after dressing up all its character as celebrity lookalikes, that is. Read on for a review of "Contemporary Impressionists."
Posted in: Reviews
Community Review: What is Normal?

Community Review: What is Normal?

Welcome back to Greendale, Community fans. The funniest show on TV returned this wedding with a wedding, a business idea and a cameo by Annie's Boobs.
Posted in: Reviews
Community Review: Britta-ing the Glee Club

Community Review: Britta-ing the Glee Club

When Jeff gets the Glee club shut down, Dean Pelton needs the group to step in and save the Christmas Pageant. Read our review of this week's Community and find out if the study group saved the pageant!
Posted in: Reviews
Seriously, NBC?!?

Seriously, NBC?!?

NBC has announced its midseason lineup - and it does NOT include the funniest show on television. Indeed, Community has been benched.
Posted in: TV Listings
Community Review: Daddy Issues

Community Review: Daddy Issues

Pierce's father showed on this week's Community. Read our review to find out how many problems Mr. Hawthorne caused with his visit!
Posted in: Reviews

Community Quotes

Abed: This is kinda like Breakfast Club, right?
Pierce: Is there breakfast?

The state bar has suspended my license. They found out my college degree was less than legitimate.
