"Sleight of Hand"

On Code Black Season 2 Episode 9, when an officer has an explosive bullet lodged in her leg, Willis, Leanne and Jesse risk their lives to operate.

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Mass Suicide - Code Black
"1.0 Bodies"

On Code Black Season 2 Episode 8, the doctors treat cult members who survive a mass suicide attempt, while Mario connects with his late father's girlfriend.

"What Lies Beneath"

On Code Black Season 2 Episode 7, convicts injured during a prison riot are brought in, while Willis and Campbell are sent to a submarine to treat a sailor.

  • 3.7 / 5.0
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A College Student - Code Black
"Hero Complex"

On Code Black Season 2 Episode 6, Malaya must tell a college student who regains consciousness at the hospital that she was the victim of a rape.

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On Code Black Season 2 Episode 5, the doctors must deal with a landslide in Malibu and a group of kids from a camping trip who arrive at the ER with measles.

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"Demons and Angels"

On Code Black Season 2 Episode 4, Dr. Nolan and her boyfriend's son end up trapped in a haunted theater and are in need of rescue on Halloween night.

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"Corporeal Form"

On Code Black Season 2 Episode 3, when a maintenance man trapped under a boiler that exploded, Willis defies Campbell's orders to perform a radical procedure.

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"Life and Limb"

On Code Black Season 2 Episode 2, a patient's hesitation to say that she's transgender makes it difficult for the doctors to diagnose her severe abdominal pain.

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"Second Year"

On Code Black Season 2 Episode 1, Col. Ethan Willis joins the team and takes Dr. Leighton on a harrowing helicopter ride to save shark bite victims in Malibu.

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"Blood Sport"

On Code Black Season 1 Episode 18, Christa learns how involved Neal and Grace were before she left for Haiti and Mario confronts Angus about his Adderall abuse.

  • 4.3 / 5.0
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Code Black Quotes

Life Lesson. When asked if you want to examine your patient some more, it's like being asked if you want a breath mint. The answer is always yes.

Jesse Salandar

We're not their friend, their family, or their shrink. We're their doctor. He gets confused.

Dr. Leanne Rorish