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Dr. Mixter wants to do a deal. She wants to let everyone live in exchange for the doll that remains.

Everyone doesn't want that to happen, but they realize they no longer have much say in what happens.

For that reason alone, they all start to get ready.

Kyle and Glen show up at the school, and there are various reunions as everyone gets ready for what's next.

In one of the most gruelling scenes, the mission to transport the body pays off, but not without some bloodshed.

Lexy is haunted by Nadine and she realizes she needs to fight back against everything.

Sister Ruth shows up with a gun and such. Glen kills Sister Ruth with the knife.

Andy chases after Mixter and kills the doll, but Mixter escapes. We later learn that Charles is in her body.

Nica takes a moment of silence and retaliates when she sees Tiffany. She tries to kill her, but shoots Glenda by accident. The twins and Tiffany rush off because there's not much else they can do.

The teenagers are happy that everything is over -- for now. Chucky did say he would see everyone back in Hackensack, likely where the final chapter will take place.

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Chucky Season 2 Episode 7 Quotes

I'll see you all soon.


I'm in that big amusement park in the sky, but I just punched my ticket sooner.
