Chicago PD Photo Galleries

19 TV Characters with Mommy Issues

19 TV Characters with Mommy Issues

Not all relationships between mother's and children are ideal. Because of bad parenting, these TV characters have plenty of mommy issues dating back to their childhood.
Posted in: Bates Motel
23 'Ships Of 2018 That Need To Crash

23 'Ships Of 2018 That Need To Crash

Our picks of the 'ships of the year that should be nipped in the bud before they blossom and the full-fledged couples that we want to see broken up, and soon.
Posted in: Shameless
15 Bromances That Turned Deadly

15 Bromances That Turned Deadly

We're looking at some of our favorite TV bromances that took a deadly turn. Whether accidental or intentional, some involved the ultimate sacrifice for the other.
Posted in: Vampire Diaries
29 TV Deaths That Gutted Us in 2018

29 TV Deaths That Gutted Us in 2018

It's those left behind who suffer and here are 29 times this year where we never thought we'd recover. Find out if your heart was gutted like ours!
Posted in: Bull

Chicago PD Quotes

But I wanted it. Wanted to be something different than what I was, knew I could. See, I don't people have to end up anywhere near where they started.


Yo, Al, don't you got some sort of beef with Father McSorley?
