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  • Kim and Adam sit with Makayla's therapist as the woman talks about how little Makayla rememembers from her kidnapping. The therapist says that Makayla's memories could come back but there is no guarantee and that she seems fine for now, but they'll have to prepare themselves.
  • Kim is adamant that Makayla is okay and seems resistant to what the therapist says. They spend time with Mak,and Kim brings up that the apartment they had a deposit down on is available and she thought it would be best if she and Mack move in it to get her out of the apartment.
  • They catch a case and Ruzek takes Mack to his father's house.
  • Kim and Hailey are on the scene first. Ut;s agrusesom scen with a smart killer who left cooked food out and bathed the victims in bleach before bludgeoning them to death. He cleaned up the crime scene completely, and ther ewas a lullabye playing. Kim f
  • Kim finds a cold case from 28 years ago with a fouryear old boy who said a man broke into his home did similar things and told him to run. They never found the bodies of his parents.
  • Ruzek and Burgess go talk to Daniel who is a married father now, and he intitally tries to send him away thinking that they are just random cops interested in his cold case. He says that people told him he made the story up from trauma, but h's shocked to learn that a current case reflects his.
  • Kim goes to talk to Dr. Magnuson, the shrink who evaluated Daniel Smith.
  • When Kim returns home Adam is there with mack. They're bonding and she's watching a video of when Adam played dress up with her. She wants Adam to do her bedtime story
  • The shrink kept everything on Daniel and still believes him even though Kim expresses doubts.
  • Daniel's pictures prompt Burgess to go back to the crime scene and climb up into th eattick where there is pin insulation that could be the "pink dust" Daniel mentioned.
  • Kim figures out that its the rowhouses. The rowhouse atttics connect so the killer is able to use an abandoned rowhouse to access all the other houses and that's how he killed the victims undetected.
  • They go investigating and find the suspect, Wheaton staking out more houses. Jay and Hailey bring him in. they don't have enough evidence though
  • they bring Daniel in to see if he'll trigger Wheaton and want to act like they know more than they do.
  • They let Daniel see the murder board to see if it triggered his memory and it does. He dires them to a motel inn and they go there. They enter the room see the curtains that Daniel had described as a kid and check the ceiling to see the insulation up there.
  • They search the area, find the RV Daniel lived in with his parents and the bodies.
  • THey show Daniel video footage they found ona camcorder of his parents and he's relieved and happy
  • Adam brings Kim and Mack to his father's house again for a drink while Mack plays and he tells her that his father isn't coming back and he wants to buy the house because it was the best part of his childhood. He wants to buy it for Mack and tells Kim he wants for them to give her the best life and best memories there in case her other ones come back. He asks Kim "why not?"
Chicago PD
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Chicago PD Season 9 Episode 20 Quotes

Kim: Why did you believe Daniel?
Dr. Magnason: You don't?
Kim: No. I don't know what I believe except, that I'm glad for him either way that he doesn't remember.

I have no idea what's real and what isn't, and I've spent the last 30 years of my life trying to figure it out, but I've gotten nowhere.
