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A bartender ends up dead when a hitman goes after Halstead while Voight and his team go after the hired assassin.

Gunshots!! Halstead is begging his bartender friend to hang on. Her name is Maddie. Help will not be on the way soon enough. She's in ICU, but alive.

Voight puts Halstead under house arrest until the target is off his head.

Nadia tells Platt she wants to be a cop someday. Platt brings her down. Then Nadia gives her a birthday card.

Bunny is there. Lindsay tells her not to be shocked her boyfriend didn't buy their mother/daughter routine. But he did.

Olinsky goes to see Oskar. He gives him one chance. He doesn't take it.

Ronald is at the hospital. He's the one who was shot. He was just the driver. The shooter was his friend.

They catch the bad guy and he spits on Voight. It hurts his feelings.

Voight wants the guy to talk, but he keeps making weird faces with air in his cheeks. WTH?

The shooter says there is a list with a lot more names on it than the cop's. He wasn't going to touch anyone else on the list.

Sean and Burgess are tapped to keep Halstead behind closed doors, It doesn't work.

The guy who prosecuted Benbenek is a target and his daughter is killed.

First a 16 year old girl and then a 70 year old woman. 

Back in the day, there was honor being an assassin. Now they blow up the kids to get to the parents. The old hitman doesn't have the stomach for it.

Halstead is angry that he cannot do anything and decides putting his life on the line is worth the risk. It was a crazy risk, though.

When the hitman's son is caught, he turns on CPD. Of course.

They move Oskar to gen-pop so he can be killed.

Bunny treated Erin pretty crappy at her wedding, but the husband seems sincere in wanting to get to know her.

Brett is at Maddie's room. Halstead has never seen someone shot who took a bullet for him. She's going to be OK.

Chicago PD
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Chicago PD Season 2 Episode 3 Quotes

First of all, it's detective. Second of all, let's me and you not get off on the wrong foot.


Oh the investigation can begin everyone! Nadia's here. What'd you do, take a bus?
