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Donna confronts Serena, but she blows her off and won't answer her questions. 

Chili is late to work, but arrives just in time to make a call. 

Brett and Chili attend to a victim of a car crash as Hermann rescues a tortoise from an RV that is on fire.  

Boden scolds Chili for being late. 

Boden learns that the accusations against him would discredit him as a witness in the Maddox arson case. Boden believes Maddox is setting him up. 

Serena has vanished and Donna and Boden were the last ones seen with her. 

Patterson lays down some ground rules for Freddie's visits to the house. 

Severide asks Jamie to help him figure out if Maddox is paying off Serena. 

Otis asks Dawson for advice on Brett. 

Brett's victim, Austin, stops by with flowers for her and asks her out. 

Brett and Chili get a call for an unconscious man in a corn field. 

Hermann and Mouch try to find the RV's owner to return the tortoise. It turns out to be the man Chili and Brett helped. 

Donna is upset with the looks she's getting from the neighbors. 

Boden confronts Maddox at his office. 

The house is called to rescue a suspect in a vent and the whole thing comes crashing down on them when he tries to get away. Severide catches him. 

The tortoise is returned to his family. 

Boden is arrested. 


Chicago Fire
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Chicago Fire Season 4 Episode 8 Quotes

Brett: How is it you managed to crash into a parked vehicle?
Austin: I looked down at the radio to change the station. It was an emergency, they were playing Justin Bieber.

You know it's funny, you'll do whatever it takes to get ahead, someone else asks for a hand suddenly you're all about ethics.
