Bike on Fire - Chicago Fire
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Mouch is an hour early for work. He's building something before the morning brief, but he's not successful.

Kidd loses Ritter a week out and needs a replacement.

Sylvie and Violet are talking about wedding venues when Stella interrupts. Sylvie doesn't care where they get married as long as it's simple, intimate, and perfect. Easy peasy!

Ritter asks Herrmann how he's doing, and when Herrmann turns around, he's shocked. It doesn't seem like he heard him. They're interrupted by a call.

Someone is hanging from a building sign, screaming help. That's odd.

The team springs into action, but man, does that ladder lift slowly. Kelly tries to get the kid to hang on. Cruz is helping him suit up, and things seem tense between them.<P>

Kelly walks down the side of the building, and as the kid falls, he grabs him. The kid's name is Austin. His drill got stuck? I can't tell what they're looking at.

Carver runs up the ladder to relieve Kelly, and they're all coming down. Oh... It's a drone that's stuck. It belongs to the kid's dad, and his dad doesn't know he took it.

While the others are climbing down, Cruz starts to descend the wall to get the drone. He almost falls, and I can't imagine this will go over well with Kelly.

Stella gives Mouch kudos for his aerial work. When the get back to the house, he gives up his pillow. Half man half couch is the genesis of Mouch. He's giving it up with his new lease on life. He no longer wants the name. Call him McHolland.

Violet hurts herself with a screwdriver, and Carver offers to help. She says he was distracting her, and he reminds her of the ceiling light. She won't do it. The look on her face is teasing at first, and then serious.

Cruz says the kid with the drone sounded like Javi, and Severide says if he had gotten hurt, it would have been on him. Oh, but he was tied off the whole time, Cruz counters. He was handing Capp orders, too. No more freelancing, beginning now. Kelly won't stand for the insubordination, and he yells at Cruz not to let it happen again.

Ritter catches Herrmann off guard again. Herrmann acts like nothing is going on, but Ritter realizes he can't hear. Herrmann says his ears are ringing, and that's not something to play with.

Cruz can't believe Mouch is really letting go of his name, but there he is, changing the name on his locker to McHolland. He doesn't want his legacy to be the guy on the couch. He wants to go out in a blaze of glory, leaving it all on the table.

That gives Cruz something to think about.

He decides he needs to leave 51, so he asks to take the lieutenant's test so he can run his own unit.

Herrmann almost gets run over in the street.

Sylvie turns to Tony for help with her wedding venue. Violet is jealous (but her hair looks great).

At Molly's Ritter reminds Herrmann that he could have been killed in the street. He needs to see a doctor.

Carver thanks Violet for how she went IAD last year when Emma Jacobs was going after him. He's so impressed with how she put her own neck on the line to go to bat for him, and he won't forget it.

The conversation gets a little real, and she rushes out.

Stella wants Kelly to take a beer to Cruz. She's concerned, but Kelly sloughs it off. Cruz will get over it. Kelly's sure he's got a handle on it. So, Stella takes Cruz the beer and says it's from Kelly. Nice try, he says.

She wants him to talk it out with Severide. She reminds him that normally, Kelly is great at letting things roll off his back. Then Cruz admits he feels disrespected with the chain of command because he covered Kelly for three months, and Kelly's return was only him barking orders as if nothing changed, but a lot did.

Cruz bets that Kelly at least apologized to his wife. She couldn't argue with that.

Boden has the schedule for study guides, tests, and firehouses for Cruz. He's got recommendations and wants him to talk to Kidd before starting the process. But before he begins, does Severide know? Cruz says he'll tell him.

Boden has no doubts that Cruz is ready and that he will make a great leader if that's what he really wants.

Carver wonders if he said something wrong at Molly's with the way she took off. Sylvie interrupts with wedding stuff.

Sylvie wonders about her bachelorette party. Stella laughs with Violet about how the perfect venue is not so easy since Sylvie turned down every venue so far.

People can't let go of Mouch, and just after he threatens to bust up the next person to call him Mouch, Boden calls him Mouch.

Herrmann tried to get an appointment, and when he couldn't, he came to work anyway, and that's when the next emergency call comes through.

Stella would kill to have someone like Cruz on her rig.

The next fire finds Kylie in trouble and a new character named Riggs impressing Stella. Herrmann almost mucked things up because he couldn't hear.

Boden talks with Mouch about who he is and what the name means to him.

Kelly attempts an apology to Cruz, but it is insufficient, and the scene cuts without resolution.

Herrmann finally gets to the doctor, and he fails the auditory test. It's within the correctable range, though, with hearing aids. But it's not a long-term solution. There's a chance his hearing will deteriorate, and if it happens, he has to call the office immediately.

Chicago Fire
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Chicago Fire Season 12 Episode 2 Quotes

I know Squad gets all the glory on calls like this, but that was some damn fine aerial work, Mouch.


After everything we've been through, I finally get to marry Matt Casey.
