Castle Round Tables

Castle Round Table: "The Wild Rover"

Castle Round Table: "The Wild Rover"

Our Castle Round Table Team discusses the sexiness of Fenton O'Connel versis Kevin Ryan and who had the most romantic moment in "The Wild Rover." Pull up a chair!
Posted in: Castle

Castle Round Table: "Hunt"

Our Castle Round Table team decides if James Brolin hit the right mark as Castle's long lost daddy and whether they prefer Bad Ass Beckett or Super Spy Castle in "Hunt"
Posted in: Castle

Castle Round Table: "Target"

Our Castle Round Table team debates whether or not Rick went too far to find his kidnapped daughter. Read on. Jump in!
Posted in: Castle

Castle Round Table: "After Hours"

Our Castle Round Table Team decides who was to blame for the dinner disaster and whether Castle and Beckett have what it takes to make Always a reality.
Posted in: Castle

Castle Round Table: "Final Frontier"

"Final Frontier" allows our Castle Round Table Team the chance to completely geek out over Beckett's inner fan girl and what Halloween costume our dynamic duo should have worn.
Posted in: Castle

Castle Round Table: "Murder He Wrote"

With Castle and Beckett suffering from vacation interrupts, our TV Fanatic Round Table team talks old boyfriends and tries and decide why Ryan is keeping secrets.
Posted in: Castle

Castle Round Table: "After the Storm"

It was the Castle season premiere and what happened "After the Storm" has our Round Table team debating the merits of keeping secrets and when the best bromance on TV will return.
Posted in: Castle

Castle Round Table: "Undead Again"

Which is more dangerous: Confronting a zombie horde on the streets of Manhattan or feelings kept buried for most of the season? Our team debates the merits of being "Undead Again" in this week's Castle Round Table.
Posted in: Castle

Castle Quotes

I tried to stay in the car I really did.


Look at my life. My dreams do come true.
