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Rating: 4.8 / 5.0 (1245 Votes)
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  • Captain Montgomery’s wife’s house is burglarized and files and his laptop are taken. A man is murdered and the shooter’s DNA matches to the shooter of Beckett.
  • They get leads from the weekly case murder that provides information on Kate’s shooting. 
  • Castle pleads with Beckett to back off of the case and tells her the information he has been working on and received from Montgomery before his death. Admits to have been working on it and she will be killed if he doesn’t keep her out of it.
  • Rick admits to loving her once again and that he will not help her die.
  • Alexis graduates from high school.
  • Beckett and Javi move forward with leads. Ryan is not ok with Gates not being aware. Beckett and Javi make it to a hotel room that is being rented by Cole Maddox who attacks them. Kate is thrown from the roof and is hanging on by her fingertips. Ryan is there to pull her up.
  • Gates is pissed that they went behind their back and did not follow police procedure. They are put on leave but Kate resigns.
  • Kate shows up at Castle’s house and admits she wants him. The two finally hook up!!
  • Cole Maddox pays a visit to “Mr. Smith” and is tole he needs to give over the files so he can put Beckett in the ground once and for all.
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Castle Season 4 Episode 23 Quotes

I keep waiting for that other shoe to drop. What if this is that other shoe?


Either this is the most boring dream I've ever had or you can't sleep either.
