Bones Round Tables

Bones Round Table: Killing Off Agent Andy

Bones Round Table: Killing Off Agent Andy

Our Bones Round Table Team debates killing off Agent Andy, fantasy football and whether they’d like Dr. Mayer to return after “The Carpals in the Coy-Wolves.”
Posted in: Bones
Bones Round Table: Death and Children

Bones Round Table: Death and Children

Our Bones Round Table team debates telling Christine about death, if Hodgins was right and if they would've taken the marmalade in “The Donor in the Drink”
Posted in: Bones
Bones Round Table: Why Did Booth Lie?

Bones Round Table: Why Did Booth Lie?

Our Bones Round Table Team debates if Booth should have told Brennan the truth, Agent Miller’s attitude and if Cam will say yes after "The Loyalty in the Lie."
Posted in: Bones
Bones Round Table: A Tough Road Ahead

Bones Round Table: A Tough Road Ahead

On Bones Season 10 Episode 19, Booth's gambling put Brennan and Christine in danger. Read on for our discussion of "The Murder in the Middle East."
Posted in: Bones
Bones Round Table: Who's in Denial?

Bones Round Table: Who's in Denial?

On Bones last week, Brennan learned something important about herself. And our Bones Round Table team was given plenty to discuss and debate!
Posted in: Bones
Bones Round Table: Does Brennan Know?

Bones Round Table: Does Brennan Know?

On Bones Season 10 Episode 16, Booth's gambling problem resurfaced, and Christine learned a new song. Join our discussion of "The Big Beef at the Royal Diner."
Posted in: Bones
Bones Round Table: Max's Big Secret

Bones Round Table: Max's Big Secret

On Bones Season 10 Episode 14, Max disappeared and later revealed a big secret. Read on for a round table discussion of "The Putter in the Rough."
Posted in: Bones
Bones Round Table: A Darker Booth?

Bones Round Table: A Darker Booth?

On Bones Season 10 Episode 13, there were surprises and life-changing decisions. Join our round table for a discussion of "The Baker in the Bits."
Posted in: Bones
Bones Round Table: Brennan's on Twitter!

Bones Round Table: Brennan's on Twitter!

On Bones Season 10 Episode 12, Brennan joins Twitter, and the team investigates the murder of a teacher. Join our round table for a discussion of "The Teacher in the Books!"
Posted in: Bones
Bones Round Table: Brennan and Aubrey FTW?

Bones Round Table: Brennan and Aubrey FTW?

From a new love interest for Wendell to a budding partnership between Brennan and Aubrey, last week's episode of Bones gave our writers plenty to discuss. See what they had to say!
Posted in: Bones
Bones Round Table: The Jack-Ass in the Jeffersonian

Bones Round Table: The Jack-Ass in the Jeffersonian

Last week's episode of Bones revealed something new about James Aubrey's past and brought out a new side of Dr. Brennan. Read on to find out what our writers had to say about "The Money Maker in the Merry-Go-Round."
Posted in: Bones
Bones Round Table: Will We See Another Wedding?

Bones Round Table: Will We See Another Wedding?

There's plenty to talk about with last week's powerful episode of Bones. Read on to find out what TV Fanatic writers have to say, and don't forget to leave your own thoughts in the comments!
Posted in: Bones
Bones Round Table: Always a Suspect, Never a Killer

Bones Round Table: Always a Suspect, Never a Killer

On last week's Bones, Hodgins was a murder suspect yet again, one of our favorite squinterns returned, and Booth handed out a dose of tough love. Read on to see what our writers had to say about these moments, as well as a hot topic among fans: are there enough scenes between Booth and Brennan?
Posted in: Bones

Bones Quotes

You're looking at her fruits?

Booth[to Sweets]

Booth: You sound really squinty right now.
Aubrey: I'm a child of the nineties, you know. Computers are kind of my thing.

Bones Music

  Song Artist
Fearless Cyndi Lauper iTunes
The World Is... Matthew Ryan iTunes
Song Rain Or Shine Matthew Perryman Jones