Blue Bloods News

Blue Bloods Season 11 Episode 5 Review: Spilling Secrets

Blue Bloods Review: Butting Heads

Our Blue Bloods Season 11 Episode 5 review discusses Witten's dilemma as well as the anti-cop bullying Sean deals with and whether Henry was right to resent Frank.
Posted in: Reviews
Blue Bloods Season 11 Episode 3 Review: Atonement

Blue Bloods Review: Joe's Dilemma

Our Blue Bloods Season 11 Episode 3 review discusses Joe's dilemma and whether it made sense for him to keep his distance, as well as Jamie and Danny's partnership.
Posted in: Reviews

Blue Bloods Quotes

Ah, another day of crime fighting. We should get capes.


Eddie: Do you ever think about what we might be missing out on?
Jamie: Yup. Do you ever think what we might be giving up?
Eddie: Yup.