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An Officer profiles a Sikh doctor incorrectly as a suspect in a bombing. When things go badly, the doctor hits him and is arrested. Franks sits down with the officer who admits he feels badly about the incident.

Frank relays the information to Erin and the charges are dropped. Frank invites the doctor and the officer to sit down in neutral territory to talk.

A mosque is bombed and an eyewitness claims to have seen a muslim throw the pipe bomb through the window.

Danny and Baez's investigation leads them to Bahir, a man who feels that God has abandoned him. He's set a bomb at a muslim parade. The bomb squad is able to defuse it.

Jamie's law school friend Dana asks him to a Bar Association dinner. The two go out and later end up in bed together. Although Dana admits they aren't exclusive, she is obviously jealous of Jamie's partner Eddie. Jamie explains that there is no room for romance between partners.

Eddie shares with Jamie that her father is doing 6 to 8 years in prison for running a Ponzi scheme. 

Blue Bloods
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Blue Bloods Season 4 Episode 10 Quotes

Garrett: With all due respect, you're being incredibly unreasonable.
Frank: It's part of my gruff charm.

Garrett: They just wanted you to attend their awards dinner next week.
Frank: Dreams die hard.