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Archibishop Kearns is waiting for Frank when he comes in at 6 AM. Kearns saw a press conference about an arrest and says they arrested the wrong man. Frank realizes this came from a confession. Kearns won't tell him who it is and Frank says without a name he can't do anything. But Kearns says that is privileged info.

A guy riding with Jamie doesn't like him pulling over a reckless driver as they are not traffic cops. The driver says he didn't do anything. However, the guy has an outstanding warrant that he insists is a mistake. He's arrested anyway and they find a ton of cash in the backseat.

Danny's boss has a case for him but Danny says he has another case that he can't tell him about.

Eddie talks to a rape survivor who says that she met a guy for a date and he got aggressive. Someone knocks on the door during the interview and it's the guy. He denies raping her. He is arrested.

Joe comes to see Jamie. He is working with the FBI and Jamie's arrest was a CI. Jamie doesn't like their plan because they are threatening the guy's life. He won't let them do it. It's his arrest and they can't have him. Joe complains that Jamie is messing up his first case. Jamie lectures him about how we don't threaten people's lives. Joe says he's not part of them.

Jamie processes his suspect. The man has a tattoo in honor of his daughter. He wants to move to Orlando. Jamie asks him about the money but the guy won't talk without his lawyer. Jamie tells him he's looking at serious time. The guy doesn't get why Jamie didn't turn him over to the Feds. Jamie tells him to think about his family.

Danny and Baez go to the scene of the murder and talk to the cop who was first on the scene.  Danny finds a hidden camera in a smoke alarm.

Eddie sees the rapist out on the street. He's with his attorney who says he shouldn't have been arrested and the DA's office is declining to prosecute.

At a meeting, Sid says he has someone looking into that case. No one will tell Abigail what theyr'e talking about. Frank clears the room to talk to Sid. Sid says that if anyone finds out what they are doing they'll be ripped to shreds. Sid tells him about the hidden camera Danny found. They can also look at security footage from the church but that will alienate Kearns forever.

Eddie confronts Erin who claims that there is not enough evidence. After all people saw the two kissing and the woman went to the man's apartment. Eddie is upset and angry with Erin.

The suspect meets with the Feds. He gives them a name. They want him to do a drug transaction as part of the deal. The guy takes it only if Jamie can be his point person. Joe is not happy about that.

Eddie comes to see Erin again with Madeline, the rape survivor. Eddie wants Madeline to tell her story so Erin can get her justice.

Joe wants to know what Jamie said to the guy and complains that Jamie doesn't respect him. Jamie says that Joe's team is strong arming people into confessions. Joe accuses him of being pro-perp. Jamie is being pro by the book. Joe calls him a Boy Scout. Jamie says Joe isn't one of them -- he's nothing like his dad.

Erin is angry that Eddie blindsided her. She insists they don't have enough evidence. Eddie says what do you need? Erin says I need you to get out of my office.

Danny and Baez talk to the guy who was arrested. He says that Stephanie Miller didn't install the camera. She was too private. He was not there when the smoke detector was installed. Stephanie once called him when a guy was looking at her through the window. He has a description.  Danny asks Lamar if he really did it. Lamar says he must have.

Erin is angry that Anthony helped Eddie blindside her. However, she will look into the case even though she feels the way Eddie went about it is wrong.

Frank again asks Kearns who the guy is. Kearns won't tell him and says we just have to make this right. Kearns is okay with upholding the seal of the confessional. Frank is not.

At family dinner, Danny starts to talk about his case but says it's hypothetical. Eddie and Erin are still tense with each other. Jamie says Reagans are a lot to take for some people. Eddie claims that it's okay with Erin for Reagans to fight with her but not for her. Frank wants to know what's going on. He says being passionate is commendable. Henry agrees. Jamie says certain Reagans don't want to be Reagans, like Joe.

Reagan brings in the suspect and his lawyer. Mark is snooty and says Melanie wanted to have sex and they have nothing. He claims she wanted to have sex. His attorney says there's nothing to this. Mark claims there is no evidence. His lawyer claims they are harassing her client and they take off.Anthony tells Erin that the guy never said he didn't do it, just that there's no evidence. Erin tells Anthony to dig deeper for priors.

Baez has hit dead ends. Danny says maybe the peeping Tom went to confession. He could get the security footage surrounding the church. Baez doesn't think they will find anything on a busy avenue.

Anthony says he invited Eddie to come with him but she was scared to come up. Erin asks what they found. Mark had an HR complaint. He was fired and his accuser resigned. He was accused of rape.

Kearns walks in angry at Frank. He claims Frank infiltrated his security system. Frank denies it. Kearns wants to know how he got the bad guy. Kearns claims Frank used his security cameras against him. He feels Frank betrayed him.

Erin takes the other woman's statement. She has an identical story to Melanie. She decided not to report because Mark was a lawyer and she was just a first year. However she told her roommate and HR. Mark told her she asked for it and that no one would believe her. Erin asks if the woman wants to file a complaint now. The woman realizes he did it to someone else. However Mark threatened to destroy her. Erin says they will destroy him first.

Erin updates Eddie. Eddie apologizes for being a pain. Erin asks are you? Do you regret fighting for that case? Eddie says no. Erin tells her that there's no reason to apologize and that women are taught to apologize for asserting themselves. But don't b ring any more victims into her office unannounced.

Jamie thinks his suspect has been made. The FBI disagrees. The new suspect threatens the CI's family. The cops finally move. The CI gets shot and the car containing his family drives off.

Joe asks if the CI is going to make it. Jamie says if they hadn't waited the family wouldn't have been kidnapped. He says Joe only thinks about collars, not about not getting people hurt or killed. Joe says great, I can die just like my dad. Anyway there is a hit on the GPS. Joe's boss orders Joe to go with Jamie. Jamie looks in a window. The wife and daughter are there alone. Joe says wait for the signal. Jamie won't listen and goes in despite Joe's boss signaling him not to. Jamie gets the little girl. The mother is tied up but the child isn't.  The bad guys are in another room watching TV. Joe unties the mother and mother and child get out safely. The bad guys realize something is going on. Jamie shoots.

Baez and Danny tell Lamar that the peeping Tom killed Stephanie, not him. The hidden camera showed everything. The memory card was in the perp's apartment. Lamar says if he hadn't had so much to drink he could have stopped this. Danny tells him he can't live like this. He knows. He's been there.  Stephanie wouldn't want him to stop living his life.

Frank goes to the confessional and talks to Kearns about the situation. He's not looking for absolution. He's hoping his friend will forgive him.  Kearns says say 6 Hail Marys and take your friend to dinner.

Danny has been called to Frank's to play Texas Hold Em with Joe, Jamie, and Frank. The others tell Joe his father loved this game. Joe accepts the challenge. and bets 20. Jamie doubles the bet. Joe and Jamie stare at each other and finally Joe folds. Next round Frank wants to up the ante.


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Blue Bloods Season 12 Episode 12 Quotes

Man: I know my rights. I'm a lawyer.
Eddie: I don't care who you are. You're under arrest for rape.

Danny: I got another case.
Gee: What case?
Danny: I can't tell you. It came from a confidential case. All I can say is it came from 1PP.
Gee: Oh. I get it. Daddy's the PC.