Black Lightning Photo Galleries

13 Incompetent Villains On TV

13 Incompetent Villains On TV

Ineptitude isn't a good color on a villain. Who are those baddies who didn't get the crash course on how to be an effective bad guy? Read on to find out who they are.
Posted in: Justified
23 'Ships Of 2018 That Need To Crash

23 'Ships Of 2018 That Need To Crash

Our picks of the 'ships of the year that should be nipped in the bud before they blossom and the full-fledged couples that we want to see broken up, and soon.
Posted in: Shameless
15 Characters Who are Born Fixers

15 Characters Who are Born Fixers

We know of a new career path for these characters! Whether it be their own or their loved one's messes, they always cleaning up. And not just their homes.
Posted in: Multi-Show

Black Lightning Quotes

Lynn: You've been on the streets fighting The 100 for years. Let someone else do it. The girls need a father.
Jefferson: Baby, I promise. No more.

Black Lightning was the savior who kept our streets and our schools safe. He was hope personified. But he was also Jefferson Pierce, my father.
