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Jenny visits Tubb at the hospital and runs into the man who killed Wolf, dressed like a nurse. Suspicious of him, Jenny orders a guard to sit outside his room.

Jag picks up Veer from the airport and tells him that he should step down. Veer doesn't take kindly to his son's words, but as the two return home, they are taken by Richard Ford at gunpoint.

Figuring Richard will eventually make his way to the Bhullar's, Cassie and Jenny head there and find Ren and Travis tied up. They leave them there to search for Richard.

Richard takes Jag and Veer to the shore where Mason died, and he shoots Jag before Veer walks away. Cassie and Jenny arrive to arrest him, and Jag is transported to the hospital, where he survives.

Ren tells Travis that she knows he's a cop. And later, she tells Jenny that she knows Travis's true identity.

Scarlet steals food from a restaurant and runs right into Wolf's killer. She escapes him and later escapes him again when he tracks her to a rest-stop bathroom.

Tubb lets Jenny know a temporary sheriff will be coming into town.

Alicia tells Veer that it's time for him to walk away.

Cassie attends a grief group.

Ren visits Jag, who wakes up after surgery. And later, when she goes to bring Veer to see Jag, he apologizes to her and tells her it's time for him to step down.

Scarlet calls Cassie and tells her that she has information about the syndicate and that she wants to make a trade, but Cassie balks.

Travis goes to Jenny's house to say goodbye to her, as he has to see his plan through.

Scarlet, with Phoebe in tow, watches Cassie from their car nearby.

Big Sky
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Big Sky Season 2 Episode 17 Quotes

Ren: Wait! Aren't you gonna let us go?
Jenny: I prefer you with your hands tied. Every time I take my eyes off you, another body drops.

Veer: Don't you challenge my decisions you spoiled little brat.
Jag: You need to step down.
Veer: My God. Did she actually put you up to this?
Jag: No, she didn't, Dad. It was our decision together.
Veer: Just like the move to Montana was?