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Scarlet retrieves a hard drive marked for Milton in the locker at a train station.

Ren and Veer visit Jag at the hospital, where they put Veer on the spot and confront him about saving himself over Jag. Later, upon leaving, Travis picks Veer up at gunpoint with Ren's blessing.

Cassie meets the new sheriff, Beau.

Mark comes back to the office, and Denise gives him the information on the EMT who treated Wolf on the way to the hospital, who appears to be missing. He and Cassie go to this house and find him deceased.

Beau introduces himself to the station and offers to help Jenny find Travis. The two travel to Ren's house to arrest Veer, and she tells him that he's with Travis and gives up their location.

Humbert tracks down Scarlet and Phoebe, and after chasing them into a warehouse, Scarlet kills him.

Travis asks Veer about Kate, and as he's beating him, Veer reveals that she's still alive. Jenny and Beau arrive before Travis can kill him, and Travis is arrested.

Jenny offers to take Travis to his handler, but she lets him out on the way and tells him to find Kate and then turn himself in.

Scarlet leaves Phoebe at Cassie's and asks her to find a safe place for her. And then she disappears.

Jag suffocates Veer in his hospital bed.

Alicia leaves town and warns Tonya about watching her back when it comes to Ren.

Cassie and Jenny grab a drink and are joined by Beau, who promises to have Jenny's back.

Big Sky
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Big Sky Season 2 Episode 18 Quotes

Denise: Did you hear that she called Cassie?
Mark: Yeah. Why do you think I rushed back?
Denise: Aw, you're worried about her. How sweet.
Mark: More like smart. Scarlet's a sociopath.
Denise: Still sweet.

Jag: Hey, you need to be careful.
Ren: I got this. You rest up.