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In a flashback, Jimmy and his friend Marco break into his parent's old store to retrieve a can of old coins to use in a scam.

Jimmy tells Marco how he thought his parents were chumps by helping people back in the day.

Mike drives out to the place where he robbed Hector's truck, and finds where the good Samaritan was buried after Hector had him murdered. He calls the Tribal authorities to dig up the body.

Chuck meets with Dr. Cruz to discuss the treatment for his mental disorder.

Jimmy goes to the music shop to record more commercials, but the owners balk at the agreement they made. Jimmy uses his slip and fall scam to force them to uphold the agreement.

Howard interrupts Kim and the Mesa Verde clients at a restaurant in an effort to embarrass her. Kim retaliates, giving Howard a check towards repaying her college debt. Howard and Kim have a big fight about the Chuck/Jimmy hearing. Howard tears up the check.

Nacho puts ibuprofen into the empty nitro pill capsules, to use later against Hector, and practices how he will switch the pills out of Hector's coat pocket.

Chuck goes shopping in a food market, fighting off his "illness." 

Kim and Jimmy discuss his fall, and she's suspicious when he gives her an envelope of cash.

Nacho makes the Don Hector medication switch.

Jimmy uses the threat of a lawsuit to scam his community service supervisor into letting him release a fellow worker, charging the coworker $700 for the scam.

Mike meets with Gus, proposing a money laundering arrangement. They agree to do business with each other.





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Better Call Saul Season 3 Episode 8 Quotes

This condition, to me it's as real as that chair - it's as real as this house, as real as you. But what if it's not? What if it's all in my head? And if that's true, if it's not real, then what have I done?

Chuck [to Dr. Cruz]

Marco: Your folks, they worked so hard.
Jimmy: Yeah, they worked hard: worked a lot of hours for a lot of years, for nothing.
Marco: I don't know Jimmy. A lot of customers, they liked him
Jimmy: Everybody liked him because he was a soft touch. Every deadbeat in the neighborhood owed him money. You come in here with a sob story and you leave with a pat on the back and a gallon of milk. He could have made it work, he could have sold beer and cigarettes to the kids from Mary Margaret's, but no. Not him. He was never gonna do what he had to do.