Awkward News

Awkward Review: Staycation

On Awkward, Jenna and Matty try to deal with their new living arrangements. Elsewhere, Tamara and Sadie have a sleepover.
Posted in: Reviews
Awkward Review: Finding A Way To Talk

Awkward Review: Finding A Way To Talk

On Awkward, Jenna begins to question her relationship with Matty after he wants to have a talk with her. Was it just talking or something more? Find out in our review!
Posted in: Reviews
Awkward Review: Self-Image Sacrifice

Awkward Review: Self-Image Sacrifice

Jenna finally learns why Lacey wrote the letter on tonight's Awkward while dealing with her new found popularity at school. Read how it all turned out in our review!
Posted in: Reviews
Awkward Review: Back to the Beginning

Awkward Review: Back to the Beginning

Jenna tries to mend her broken relationship with Jake on tonight's Awkward, but she is having a hard time as Matty tries even harder to pursue her. Find out how Jenna reacted to all of this in our review!
Posted in: Reviews
Awkward Review: Along Came Ben

Awkward Review: Along Came Ben

The bombshell finally dropped on tonight's Awkward. Sadie spilled the beans to Jake about Matty's relationship with Jenna. Find out how Jake took it in our review!
Posted in: Reviews
Awkward Review: Team Radie

Awkward Review: Team Radie

Aunt Ally comes back to town to announce her engagement on this week's Awkward, as Jenna and Matty consummate their relationship. Read our review to see if Jenna was able to overcome her doubts about Jake!
Posted in: Reviews
Awkward Review: One Not So Awesome Reply

Awkward Review: One Not So Awesome Reply

Jake drops the "L-Word" to Jenna on tonight's Awkward, while Tamara and Ming try to get over being single on Valentine's Day. Find out how it all went down in our review!
Posted in: Reviews
Awkward Review: A Little Racist

Awkward Review: A Little Racist

Jenna and Matty's roll in the sanctuary could come to light if the tape gets out on tonight's Awkward, so Jenna enlists Ming's help to get the tape before it falls into the wrong hands.
Posted in: Reviews

Awkward Quotes

Jenna: This year would be my year. For once I wouldn't be overlooked not with Matty at my... backdoor!
Matty: Oh sorry, I slipped.

For 15 years I fantasized about everyone noticing me as I walked down the hall. What would I be wearing? Would every guy worship me? Would I be five inches taller and have porn tits? No, that was not my reality. My moment in the spotlight sucked some serious ass.
