Arrow Season 2

Arrow Season 2 introduces us to a new dynamic on Team Arrow when Sara Lance returns from the dead and is already parading as The Canary. It's all about to change!

When Slade kidnaps someone close to Oliver, the Arrow realizes he might have to do the unthinkable to stop a monster.

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"Streets of Fire"

Oliver rallies Team Arrow as Slade's Mirakuru army ravages Starling City.

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"City of Blood"

Oliver decides to surrender to Slade rather than allow him to take away everything he loves.

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"Seeing Red"

Roy spins out of control on this episode of Arrow. He even attacks Thea.

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"The Man Under the Hood"

Oliver, Canary, Diggle and Felicity find Slade waiting for them in the Arrow lair. After an epic battle, a member of Team Arrow ends up in the hospital.

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Oliver is desperate to protect his family as Slade makes his move against him on Arrow.

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"Birds of Prey"

The Huntress is back on this episode of Arrow. And she has Laurel in her crosshairs.

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"Suicide Squad"

Amanda Waller sends the Suicide Squad out on their first mission and asks Diggle to assist to help stop a warlord.

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"The Promise"

On the island, Oliver, Sara and Slade prepare to overtake the freighter from Ivo while back in Starling City Oliver is shocked to learn Slade is alive and in town.

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"Time of Death"

When Oliver and Diggle spar with Sara and tallk about old scars, Felicity starts to feel left out.

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"Heir to the Demon"

Oliver and Lance try to get Sara to stay and help Laurel who continues to unravel but will the League of Assasins bring her back into the fold on Arrow.

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Roy and Arrow butt heads as Roy insists on knowing Arrow's true identity before accepting his help in controlling his super strength.

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"Blind Spot"

Oliver is conflicted when Laurel pushes him to investigate Sebastian Blood on Arrow.

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"Blast Radius"

Bombs start going off all over Starling City when Arrow returns after it's winter hiatus on January 15th.

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"Three Ghosts"

Oliver is visited by ghosts from his past in a drug induced hallucination after a battle with Cyrus Gold on Arrow.

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"The Scientist"

Grant Gustin debuts on this episode of Arrow. He portrays the character of Barry Allen.

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"State v. Queen"

The Count returns to Arrow this week. Oliver must deal with him and with the presence of a mysterious illness.

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"Keep Your Enemies Closer"

Lyla goes missing on this episode of Arrow. The team heads off to Russia as a result.

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"League of Assassins"

The Black Canary opens up to Arrow on this episode. Elsewhere, Oliver takes issue with Laurel.

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Oliver discovers "The Mayor" on this episode of Arrow. He's bringing illegal guns into The Glades.

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"Broken Dolls"

Felicity offers to be the bait when someone Lance arrested years ago escapes and starts torturing and killing women on Arrow.

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Oliver does battle with China White and the Bronze Tiger and medical supplies are stolen from Glades Memorial on Arrow.

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"City of Heroes"

Arrow is back! This is the premiere of Season 2.

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The entire dynamic of Team Arrow changes on Arrow Season two when Sara Lance, Laurel's sister who was believed to be lost at sea, returns to Starling City as The Canary. When she is busy fighting evil she confronts The Hood who she has no problem recognizing despite his incredible disguise of a green hood and painted on mask. Hard to believe, right? But does he recognize her? No. Not until she makes the reveal. We then learn what happened to Sara and that Oliver didn't believe her to be dead all of this time. What?! Yes, they were both putting her family through hell but that didn't stop them from blaming Laurel for being a whiny baby. She though she lost two of the most important people in her life for goodness sakes; ones that betrayed her. In Arrow Season 2 Felicity Smoak becomes indispensible. She gives to Oliver the strength to fight another day more than once. Her feelings for him seem obvious, but not to him. We cheer them on. John Diggle carries on with generally being awesome and Thea's boyfriend Roy Harper joins the team. It's all so good. Here's hoping you're watching!
Air Dates:
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Arrow Season 2 Quotes

What I lack in height I make up for in wicked good hearing.


Sebastian: I'd love to speak with Oliver.
Thea: Well, if you see him, please tell him that he missed his own mother's funeral.