Looking to watch American Horror Story online? You've come to the right place. Our only advice? Do not watch American Horror Story online in the dark. Trust us.

A Scary Seduction - American Horror Story
Watch American Horror Story Season 7 Episode 10
"Charles (Manson) in Charge"
Original Air Date:

On American Horror Story: Cult Season 7 Episode 10, Kai says that it's not what you've done but what you are about to do, as things get even scarier.

Kai Targets a Child - American Horror Story
Watch American Horror Story Season 7 Episode 9
"Drink the Kool-Aid"
Original Air Date:

On American Horror Story: Cult Season 7 Episode 9, Ally and Ivy fight to save the life of their son as he is targeted by Kai Anderson on "Drink the Kool-Aid."

A New Look - American Horror Story
Watch American Horror Story Season 7 Episode 8
"Winter of Our Discontent"
Original Air Date:

On American Horror Story Season 7 Episode 8, tensions flared when Beverly realized that Kai did not have her best interests at heart.

Dr. Vincent - American Horror Story
Watch American Horror Story Season 7 Episode 7
"Valerie Solanas Died for Your Sins: Scumbag"
Original Air Date:

On American Horror Story: Cult Season 7 Episode 7, will the women get pushed aside or take matters into their own hands on the seventh installment.

The Monsters Arrive - American Horror Story
Watch American Horror Story Season 7 Episode 6
"Mid-Western Assassin"
Original Air Date:

On American Horror Story: Cult Season 7 Episode 6, everyone has the fear that the monsters have now arrived on the latest horror installment.

Ally Has a Gun! - American Horror Story
Watch American Horror Story Season 7 Episode 5
Original Air Date:

On American Horror Story Season 7 Episode 5, Beverly uses fake news to her advantage in order to get to Bob and help Kai.

A Revolution - American Horror Story
Watch American Horror Story Season 7 Episode 4
Original Air Date:

On American Horror Story Season 7 Episode 4, Kai recruits Harrison to cause some drama for the Mayfair-Richards family.

No One Feels Safe - American Horror Story
Watch American Horror Story Season 7 Episode 3
"Neighbors from Hell"
Original Air Date:

On American Horror Story: Cult Season 7 Episode 3, no one feels safe when they must face off with the "Neighbors from Hell" in this latest installment.

Ally Mayfair-Richards - American Horror Story
Watch American Horror Story Season 7 Episode 2
"Don't Be Afraid of the Dark"
Original Air Date:

On American Horror Story: Cult Season 7 Episode 2, Ally MayFair-Richards will have a difficult time not being afraid of the dark in this latest installment.

Cult - American Horror Story
Watch American Horror Story Season 7 Episode 1
"Election Night"
Original Air Date:

On American Horror Story: Cult Season 7 Episode 1, the iconic horror antholgy series returns for season 7 on Tuesday, September 5th.

Watch American Horror Story online right here and now. Be taken into the crazy/awesome world created by Ryan Murphy and often inhabitated by Jessica Lange and company. Sit back and watch American Horror Story online quickly and easily just hours after an episode ends. We make it easy to do so. Just keep at least one light on in the house. Trust us.

American Horror Story Quotes

There's not going to be a swimming pool, you stupid slut.


I needed to believe that a normal life was possible after Camp Redwood, a glimmer of hope after all that darkness. Your dad was that for me.
