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Spencer confronts Jordan about not telling him about Billy taking the GAU job. Olivia tells Layla she wants to get Spencer back. Coach Kenny takes the news about Billy better than Spencer. Coop attempts to prepare a surly Preach for his custody hearing. Spencer confronts Billy as he's trying to get the South Crenshaw players ready for the combine. Olivia surprises Spencer, who's down on the Bakers. Olivia is also unaware about Billy. Preach approaches Billy about getting him a full-time job but Billy tells him about his resignation. Layla proposes a bachelor auction to help with Jaymee's medical bills. Preach goes to one of his old gang contacts, hoping to make some quick cash. Jordan tries to insert himself into the Layla-Clay feud. Denise takes over hosting the auction when she realizes how bad the optics look having Asher sell off his black friends. Coop suspects Preach is about to do something stupid. Olivia and Alicia get into a bidding war for Spencer and Olivia wins with a $500 bid. Coop checks out Preach's story about Billy getting him more work. JJ bid $5,000 for Asher, to help Jaymee. Olivia takes Spencer to a smash room, to work off his stress. Billy and Preach talk about being fathers. JJ and Asher put on sumo suits for their "date." Denise and Jordan work out. She helps Jordan with his issues. Layla decides she and Clay should work together, not fight. JJ and Asher have it out and admit they missed each other. Olivia encourages Spencer to talk with Billy. The school board offers Preach a full-time teaching job. Clay decides to let Layla have the Keating Records name. Asher informs Jaymee that her hospital bills have been paid thanks to the Vortex. Olivia tells Spencer that she wants him back. 

All American
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All American Season 5 Episode 10 Quotes

Jaymee: Now I just need to convince Asher.
Layla: He really cares about you.

Olivia: How could I get Spencer to start hating his new girlfriend?
Layla: You could write an article about it. What, too soon?