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Grace tells Spencer about the time-capsule tradition on Senior Skip Day. Spencer has something special planned for Olivia. He makes her wear a blindfold. Patience has returned from her tour. Coop's lawyer calls. The misdemeanor charge against her has been dropped. Things are still tense between Patience and Coop. Grace tells Principal Carter about the time-capsule tradition. Spencer takes Olivia to Corey's cabin. The surprise is on him because Jordan and Simone are already there. Billy joins Grace and Carter's search for the time capsule. J.J. shows up at the cabin. Spencer invites Coop and Patience to come up and Layla and Asher join them. J.J. has everything needed for a party in his van, including a bounce house. Spencer suggests a time capsule to be buried at the cabin. Laura joins the time-capsule hunt. Simone gets an offer to play in a high-profile tennis tournament the same weekend as the prom. Layla declares to Jordan that she's taking a gap year and she and Jordan get into an argument. Spencer advices Coop to talk with Patience. Grace calls Denise, who had rehidden the time capsule and has a treasure map to lead them to it. After Simone informs Jordan about the tournament, he tells her that he's worried they're growing apart. The adults laugh about their 30-year-old predictions. Asher encourages Patience to talk with Coop. Simone shows Jordan the power of phone sex. Patience tells Coop she's feeling neglected after Coop's recent decisions. Coop asks for time to find that part of herself that Patience needs. Spencer and Olivia choose to head home for a movie night. Grace and Carter go out for a solo date while Billy and Laura invite Denise to come to dinner with them. Spencer and Olivia finally have sex. 

All American
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All American Season 4 Episode 6 Quotes

Simone: I thought you were saving it for Prom Night.
Olivia: Do I look like a cliche?

Olivia: Where are we going? Is it Palm Springs?
Spencer: That's not how surprises work.