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It's a week after the huge blowout and Gary still isn't speaking to Eddie. 

Gary and Rome try to get Delilah and Regina to work together again because deadlines are coming up for the building. When they first get them together, Regina is not receptive to talking very much. 

Delilah eventually tell her that her marriage to Jon wasn't perfect, and that she kept a lot of the truth from her about that. Regina was hurt that Delilah never shared anything. 

Things get tense between Maggie and Gary when one of his exes recounts how he slept with her in the bathroom too. Maggie tries to push Gary away when she finds out from her doctor that if she doesn't do treatment she will die within the year. 

Maggie's ex Tom accidentally tells Gary about Maggie's diagnosis. Gary tries to appeal to Maggie and he won't let her push him away because now he realizes that's what she's doing. He shows her his scar. 

Maggie still doesn't tell him the truth. 

After talking to Maggie, Rome realizes he's not happy at his job and needs to just make a move. He tells Regina that he wans to quit his job to pursue his movie passion, and she supports him. 

Sophie is upset with Delilah because she feels like Delilah is trying to forget Jon. She wants to have their dinners again. 

Sophie goes to am with Eddie but finds Katherine there instead. They talk about being the strong ones in their family, and Eddie overhears. Eddie and Katherine wonder what the next stage of their relationship will be. 

In flashbacks, Jon is noticing that Delilah's father is suffering from Dementia and keeps rudely pointing it out. Delilah gets upset about that and his answering work calls. 

They have dinner in the present and Gary and Eddie make amends. 

A Million Little Things
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