90210 Reviews

90210 Review: "Women On The Verge"

90210 Review: "Women On The Verge"

The mind is a terrible thing to waste. Whether it was Silver cracking at the seams, Marla losing her grasp on reality, or Jen thinking she could play the role of good mother, women on the verge of breakdowns were all the rage in the Hills of Beverly.
Posted in: 90210
90210 Review: "The Enchanted Donkey"

90210 Review: "The Enchanted Donkey"

What do you do when you fall off a horse? Why you get right back up on that burro. Or rather on "The Enchanted Donkey." Read our review of 90210 here!
Posted in: 90210
90210 Review: Annie Goes Feral!

90210 Review: Annie Goes Feral!

This week's installment of 90210 went from the sublime to the ridiculous. Meaning what, exactly? Read our review and find out.
Posted in: 90210
90210 Review: "Revenge of the Nerd"

90210 Review: "Revenge of the Nerd"

Naomi developed a new crush and Adrianna sort of found out about Navid's on this episode of 90210. What did you think of "Revenge of the Nerd?"
Posted in: 90210
90210 Review: Sweating the Details...

90210 Review: Sweating the Details...

90210 took its females off to a sweat lodge his week, where secrets were revealed and affairs were completed. What did you think of the latest episode?
Posted in: 90210
90210 Review: Holiday BADness

90210 Review: Holiday BADness

Ivy was let down by her father on this week's holiday episode of 90210, while Annie and Liam got hot and heavy again and Naomi got a surprise. A bad surprise.
Posted in: 90210
90210 Review: Hot Tian Action!

90210 Review: Hot Tian Action!

Love was in the air for a few 90210 characters this week. Others, however, were not so lucky. Read on for a review of "Best Lei'd Plans."
Posted in: 90210
90210 Review: G-Rated Drama

90210 Review: G-Rated Drama

None of the show's three most interesting storylines were dealt with this week. The result was an especially boring episode of 90210.
Posted in: 90210
90210 Review: Making Tissues Dance, Viewers Snore

90210 Review: Making Tissues Dance, Viewers Snore

A perfectly mediocre episode of 90210 this week. No real surprises took place on "I See London, I See France," as Teddy continued his confused spiral, Navid made some hilarious jokes and Liam learned more about Laura.
Posted in: 90210
90210 Review: Secrets and Scars Exposed!

90210 Review: Secrets and Scars Exposed!

Adrianna and Liam both went topless on this week's episode of 90210, though each ended up reacting very differently to their situations. Elsewhere, secrets and scars were exposed, as we've published a detailed review of "How Much is That Liam in the Window."
Posted in: 90210
90210 Review: Things Get Serious...

90210 Review: Things Get Serious...

90210 upped the ante a bit this week and gave viewers a few interesting storylines. From Silver's suspicions about Mr. Cannon to Adrianna's dilemma, we review every development on "2021 Vision."
Posted in: 90210
90210 Review: "Meet the Parent"

90210 Review: "Meet the Parent"

This episode of 90210 was all about relationships. Which ones were interesting and entertaining? And which fizzled due to boring writing and a lack of real drama? Read on. Find out.
Posted in: 90210
90210 Review: "Multiple Choices"

90210 Review: "Multiple Choices"

With the SATs on the horizon, a lot went wrong for many characters this week. Let's analyze the 90210 episode "Multiple Choices" together.
Posted in: 90210


The emotions and the issues are very real... these characters have real layers that will all peel away very, very slowly.

Shenae Grimes

It's not a mom and dad who are home eating bon bons. It's a couple who's f%$k!

Rob Estes