90210 News

90210 Review: Blue Balls

90210 Review: Blue Balls

PJ proposed; Naomi almost went comatose and Dixon and Adrianna were nearly deposed from the ranks of superstardom. Find out what went down in this week's review of 90210.
Posted in: Reviews
90210 Review: Truth or Consequences

90210 Review: Truth or Consequences

Dixon discovered he has a heart defect on this episode of 90210, while Ivy learned Raj was in the hospital and ditched Diego to be with him. Read on a full review.
Posted in: Reviews
90210 Review: The Bitch Is Back?

90210 Review: The Bitch Is Back?

Ever wonder what Naomi would like in a latex sex suit or whether Ivy really has what it takes to be a street artist? Imagine no more and find out just what happened on this week's 90210.
Posted in: Reviews
90210 Review: Karmageddon!

90210 Review: Karmageddon!

What happened when deep dark secrets were revealed and Hell came to L.A. when no cars were allowed? Find out in this week's review of 90210!
Posted in: Reviews
90210 Review: Can You Hear Me Now?

90210 Review: Can You Hear Me Now?

They say resolutions are broken within a week or so of the new year and this week's episode of 90210 did not fail to deliver on that promise. Meaning what, exactly? Find out now!
Posted in: Reviews


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Sushi in Mexico? That ends badly.
