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90210 dealt with a number of storylines this week. They were...

- Navid and Silver: The episode ended with these two bonding because the former needed someone to talk to and Adrianna was consumed by her new, famous lifestyle. The reason Navid needed to chat? In light of an investigation into his business, Mr. Shirazi fle to Iran.

- Teddy, meanwhile, gave a gay bar a shot, but he grew uncomfortable and then found himself in a jam: he left his wallet with Liam and Dixon, but they couldn't bring it to him because he didn't want to tell them where he was. Therefore, Teddy called Ian for help and ended up confessing that he left his private school back east because he was developing confusing feelings for his roommate.

- Charlie also made a confession to Annie: he got the scars on his back because his uncle used a belt on him. Annie has spent the episode trying to "lock" Charlie down via sex, but this conversation actually brought the two closer than ever.

- Ryan and Debbie had sex!

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90210 Season 3 Episode 9 Quotes

Debbie: What can we do to bring you down to mildly panicked?
Ryan: Rub a little whiskey on my gums?

Are we going to another beach? Does it have shade? Because I'm not allowed to get freckles.
