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At a wellness center near a cliffside, an angry group drugged by the retreat leader chase him toward a cliff, where he falls over the side. The 118 arrives, and Bobby and Lucy repel down to the leader, but when the cliff starts to come down, it takes the ladder truck with it, narrowly avoiding the three of them down below. 

Buck believes Bobby is punishing him after Taylor's report, which has the LAFD questioning him. While Bobby blames himself for the Jonah situation as he brings him into the house. 

May decides to go to college. 

Chimney and Maddie get lunch, and she tells him that she's ready to go back to work. 

A woman at a salon demands that her stylist take the extensions he put into her hair out of her hair, as she's having bad headaches. When he looks at her head, he passes out. The 118 arrive and discover that the woman has maggots in her hair, as the stylist had been purchasing hair from the deceased. 

Toni tells her family that she and Clive are getting married, and she asks to have the wedding in Hen's backyard. Karen is initially opposed to the idea, as Toni never came to her and Hen's wedding in the same yard, but eventually warms to the idea. 

Buck teases Chimney about him and Maddie, while Bobby finds out that Buck and Lucy kissed months ago, further cementing his belief that he's out of touch with his team. 

A couple is on their way to have a baby and get into a car accident, leaving the husband with memory loss. 

After avoiding each other, Buck and Taylor finally talk, and Buck breaks up with her. 

Eddie goes to Bobby to reassure him that what happened with Jonah wasn't his fault, and he implores him to give himself some credit for saving Eddie's life. Later, Bobby pours a bottle of liquor down the drain. 

At what's supposed to be Toni and Clive's wedding, Toni surprises Hen and Karen by telling them she's not getting married and apologizes for not being at their first wedding. Hen and Karen then renew their vows. 

A closing montage shows Taylor moving out of Buck's loft, Eddie continuing his therapy, Chimney and Maddie having lunch with Jee-Yun, and Bobby and Athena agreeing to go on a cruise. 

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9-1-1 Season 5 Episode 18 Quotes

Buck: I just, I wish I could-
Eddie: Fix it?
Buck: Yeah, yeah. I know I'm the guy who always wants to fix everything.
Eddie: Hey! It comes in handy when you have a bunch of holes in your wall.

Buck: She promised me, Cap. She promised me she wouldn't do the story, and I believed her. I'm sorry I let you down.
Bobby: This wasn't your fault, Buck. You know, I can't even blame Taylor for all this. She's a reporter. She wasn't the one running around playing God right under my nose.
Buck: Cap, you couldn't have known.
Bobby: I should have! It's my job.