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We're introduced to Abby, the 9-1-1 operator who's mom has Alzheimer's. We also meet a firefighter who's a former alcoholic and a young fireman who borrows the truck to impress women. 

Police and firefighters arrive at an apartment to investigate a call that a baby was flushed down a toilet. 

The firefighters find the baby and squeeze it out of a pipe. A cop, Athena, finds the mother and she and the baby are rushed to the hospital. 

Athena's husband announces to his family that he's gay. 

Abby gets a call that a girl is being choked by a snake. The firefighters argue over how to handle it. Hen doesn't want to kill it, but Buck chops its head off anyway. 

Bobby fires Buck for making out with a victim that they saved from a snake. Buck says he thinks he might be a sex addict. He begs for his job back, but Bobby says no. 

A young girl calls 911 to report a break in at her house, but she can't remember her address. Abby asks questions to determine her location. Athena asks Bobby to drive the firetruck down the street, honking the horn and blaring the siren, until Abby hears it over the phone. 

Abby gets the robber on the phone and offers to help him escape to keep the girl safe. It backfires, but the suspect is caught and the girl is rescued. 

Bobby gives Buck his job back for helping to save the little girl. 

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9-1-1 Season 1 Episode 1 Quotes

Athena: Hey, you do not get to choose who lives and who dies.
Buck: Really, because I was under the impression that kind of was my job.

Come on, Bobby, see the fire, put out the fire, the rest is blah-blah.
