2 Broke Girls News

2 Broke Girls Review: A Beautiful Bride

2 Broke Girls Review: A Beautiful Bride

Max and Caroline try to make a cake for a bridezilla (Lindsay Lohan) on 2 Broke Girls Season 2 Episode 21, but when the woman can't make up her mind about anything, it nearly sends Max over the edge.
Posted in: Reviews
2 Broke Girls Review: The Almost Girl

2 Broke Girls Review: The Almost Girl

On 2 Broke Girls Season 3 Episode 18, Nicolas returns and announces that he is leaving his wife for Caroline, forcing her to do everything she can to try and keep the two of them together.
Posted in: Reviews
2 Broke Girls Review: Birth Control and Self-Control

2 Broke Girls Review: Birth Control and Self-Control

On 2 Broke Girls Season 3 Episode 17, Nicholas makes a play for Caroline again after his wife gives permission for him to sleep with, causing Caroline to wonder if it's meant to be. Meanwhile, Max decides to take her relationship with Deke to the next level and go on the Pill.
Posted in: 2 Broke Girls

2 Broke Girls Quotes

You think this (clicking the fingers) is the sound that gets you service, I think that´s the sound that dries up my vagina.


Hey, when you get a second, stop staring at my boobs.
