Dixon: Oh, I see. You're gonna dip your "Donut" in Ramos here. Some people like their breakfast sweet, not savory.
Maritza: You know what gets me so hot? Is when guys compare me to breakfast, and when they talk about me like I'm not even here. How about you call me "that oatmeal in the front seat" and I'll be so yours?

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Orange is the New Black Season 4 Episode 5: "We'll Always Have Baltimore"
Orange is the New Black
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Orange is the New Black Season 4 Episode 5 Quotes, Orange is the New Black Quotes
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Orange is the New Black Season 4 Episode 5 Quotes

One year, we got these little toy jail cells to put your candy in when you're on a diet. And then...yeah, another year, we got these Nerf-style guard batons. And so, anytime anyone said something stupid at a staff meeting, we would just whale on them. Until the incident with Greg's eye, but...


One time, I ran outta tampons, so I used on of those, um, dinosaur just-add-water sponges for kids. It was really fun! 'Cause it was like, "Ooh, I wonder what this will be? Oh! Brontosaurus Rex!"
